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I'm going to at least try and finish this book😂


"Do you really have to leave?" Max sighed as his arms circled around my neck and he pulled me into him.

"I wish I didn't, Baby, but these 3 weeks will fly by" I nuzzled my head into his neck and sighed. "I love you so much, Baby, don't you ever forget that" he gently ran his fingers through my hair. "And as soon as I get back, we're going to start planning our wedding" a wide smile suddenly spread across my face as I pulled away from him.

"I fancy a spring wedding. You think we could plan it that fast?" he stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm sure we can make it work" he leant down to brush his lips with mine causing me to smile. "I love you" I nodded, detaching our lips and running my fingers through his hair.

"I love you too, more than anything" he pressed a peck to the tip of my nose causing me to giggle.

"Now, go out and have fun with your sister. I'll still be here when you get back and then we can spend tonight together before I have to leave" I released a sigh and nodded up at him with a small smile. We shared another brief kiss before I turned and began out of the master bedroom. I smiled as I began straight into Ayla's nursery to find her sat in her crib, babbling to herself as she played with the many teddies that surrounded her.

"What are you doing, Peanut?" she giggled as she glanced up at me, her big brown eyes warming my heart. "Did you have a good nap, Gorgeous?" I gently lifted her from the crib, grabbing a hold of 'Ellie' the stuffed elephant toy that my parents brought her when she was born. I settled her on my hip and she instantly clutched Ellie into her chest. "We going to see auntie Dallas and Savannah, Baby?" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, my heart warming as she cuddled into me. "I love you so much, Ayla Ehrich" she babbled back a load of nonsense.

"Da" I turned around as she stared over my shoulder and I smiled as Max stepped into the room.

"When are you going to say mama?" I pressed a kiss to her temple and allowed Max to take her. Ayla first said 'dada' about a week ago and it's been her favourite word to use so far, everyone is dada.

"You'll say mama when you're ready, won't you, Baby Girl?" I rolled my eyes but smiled as he peppered kisses all over her face causing her to squeal. I turned and began towards Ayla's closet so that I could grab out a change of clothes for her.

"Now, shall we dress you before breakfast or after?" I glanced back at Max and Ayla who babbled back to me. "I'm thinking after, huh, Baby Girl?" Ayla giggled as she dropped her head onto Max's shoulder. "You want dada to feed you?" Ayla babbled back her reply, her fingers in her mouth. "Looks like you're on feeding duty" Max lightly chuckled, bouncing Ayla on his hip.

"That isn't a problem, is it, Peanut?" I smiled as I watched them leave the nursery.

"Hi, how are you?" I locked Dallas in a hug, keeping my one hand on the handle of the stroller that held a whining Ayla. She decided that she would fall asleep in her car seat on the way over to the mall which left me with the difficult decision of taking her out of the car seat and rudely waking her up. Ayla cherishes her sleep, she hates being woken up, a bit like her momma.

"I'm not bad" I pulled from the hug, watching her smile grow as she lifted her hand. My eyebrows furrowed for a moment before it finally sunk in and my eyes landed on the gorgeous diamond ring that sat perfectly on her left ring finger.

"Shit" Dallas chuckled as I squealed, throwing myself back at her, my arms tight around her neck. "I'm so happy for you" I could feel my eyes welling up with happy tears.

"Thanks, Dems" she squealed. I pulled away and wiped at my cheeks causing Dallas to chuckle. "Are you crying?" I rolled my eyes and sniffled.

"I'm happy for you" a loud cry cut into my happy sobbing and I sighed, turning Ayla to face us. "What, Peanut?" I sunk down so I was at her height. She whimpered and held her arms out for me. "I know, Baby Girl, and mommy is really sorry for waking you but you can't sleep all day" I poked her in the tummy but instead of receiving her usual giggle, I received a whine.

"Well, someone's in a mood."

"She isn't happy because I woke her up. She fell asleep in the car" Dallas nodded in understanding. "How's Savannah?" Dallas turned the stroller around and I widely smiled down at my niece.

"Hi Gorgeous" she lifted her hand and waved, clenching and unclenching her hand. "Oh my god, she can wave?"

"It's her new little party trick, isn't it, Beautiful?"

"It's so cute" Dallas nodded, a proud smile on her face. "Who's that, Peanut? It's Savvy" I glanced down at Ayla who just whined. "Well, she's going to be fun today. I'm so dreading Max leaving."

"You'll be fine" Dallas gave my arm a gentle squeeze. "Anyway, I'm not too far away, just ring me if you need anything at all."

"Thanks, Dal."

"Now, let's go shopping" I chuckled as she clutched Savannah's stroller and began further into the mall.

Liked by theoneandonlydallaslovato, diannadelagarza and 6,815,473 othersddlovato just a girl who loves shoe shopping😍❤️View all 21,517 commentsmaxehrich takes after her mama😜😍jillpowellglam she has the most amazing sense of style😂

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Liked by theoneandonlydallaslovato, diannadelagarza and 6,815,473 others
ddlovato just a girl who loves shoe shopping😍❤️
View all 21,517 comments
maxehrich takes after her mama😜😍
jillpowellglam she has the most amazing sense of style😂


So, quick question...
Does everyone want me to keep Max and Demi together?

And I am so sorry for delayed update😩

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