Twenty One

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Okay, so I love you guys so's the drama😳😜


"Who is that, Peanut?" Ayla squealed at the sight of Matthew, giggling as he took her from me and lightly threw her into the air. "Don't blame me if she vomits all over you" he lightly chuckled, sticking his tongue out at me as he settled her on his hip.

"How are you?" he wrapped his arm around me and I smiled as I cuddled into him.

"I'm not bad" I dropped the diaper bag to the floor and slipped off my shoes. "How are you?" I followed him into the living room where he lowered Ayla to the floor.

"I'm good. When did Max go back?" we spent the entire weekend together as a family and when Ayla was asleep, we just spent our time together mostly in the bedroom. It's like we couldn't get enough of each other.

"He went back yesterday, it was difficult saying goodbye but he said that as soon as this movie has finished, he's going to take a break and we're going to focus on our family and the wedding" I watched Ayla as she crawled towards the toys that sat in the corner of the room.

"You have a date in mind yet?"

"No, but I'm thinking spring" a smile settled on his face.

"You'll need to do some rapid planning then."

"And I can't wait" he lightly chuckled as the smile on my face just widened. "I can't wait to get married. I can't wait for us to finally be a family, a united family."

"I am happy for you, Dems" before I could reply with my thanks, the doorbell rang.

"That'll be Sirah" I glanced down when I felt a hand on my leg and smiled at the sight of Ayla who had crawled up to me with a toy in her hand.

"What you got there, Peanut?" I lifted her onto my hip, smiling as she shoved the small teddy bear into my chest. "Is this for me, Baby?" she giggled as she dropped her head onto my shoulder. "I love you" I pressed my cheek against the top of her head, turning to the living room door as Sirah stepped through, closely followed by Matthew. Ayla who was previously cuddled into me, threw herself at Sirah. If I didn't have a tight grip on her, she would have fallen straight to the floor.

"Ayla" I gently scolded. "You don't do that, Baby" her lower lip jutted out at the harshness of my voice. I've never had to raise my voice at her before.

"Oh, Sweetheart" I gently handed her to Sirah who cradled her against her side. "I would definitely listen to your mommy though, Miss Ayla" she lightly giggled as Sirah tickled at her tummy. "I missed you" she gently held the back of Ayla's head and swayed her gently.

"How was Paris?" a blush covered Sirah's cheeks.

"It was good" she focused all of her attention on Ayla.

"Yeah, did Miss Sirah meet someone out there?" I lightly teased, a smirk forming on my face that Matthew copied, moving himself to stand beside me.

"Maybe" I squealed causing Ayla to jump.

"I need details" Sirah playfully rolled her eyes.

"The details can wait" I huffed out in annoyance causing Sirah to chuckle. "What are we playing with then, Miss Ayla?" she lightly pushed passed me and Matthew and towards the toys on the floor. Matthew and I shared an eye roll.


"You have a good nap, Peanut" I gently lowered Ayla into the crib, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I love you, my Beautiful Girl" I stared down at her for a moment, just taking in her beauty. I may be biased, but she is the most beautiful 8-month-old. I left the room, pulling the door to a close behind me. I began downstairs, stopping midway when I heard my name.

"Demi needs to know, Matthew" my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"How are we going to tell her this, Sirah? This is going to rip her world apart."

"Rip her world apart or not, she needs to know. We can't keep this from her, she's our best friend" I stepped off the stairs and began into the living room.

"I need to know what?" they jumped a part and turned to me with wide eyes. "Guys, what the fuck is going on?" they shared a look, my heart beginning to hammer in my chest. A lump formed in my throat as their faces turned sympathetic. "Okay, now you're scaring me. What's going on?" Sirah leant over to grab my hand, pulling me down onto the couch.

"The-There are some rumours going around."

"Rumours about what?" I watched as Matthew held his phone out towards me. Our eyes locked for a moment until I hesitantly took the phone from him. I eventually glanced down at the screen, my heart shattering in my chest at the title of the article.

Demi Lovato's fiancé Max Ehrich caught sharing a passionate kiss with a mystery goddess.

The Young and the Restless actor, 28, was caught kissing a mystery blonde in a secluded area of New York late on Monday evening. The pair which includes Demi Lovato's fiancé Max Ehrich were later spotted heading into his hotel where they stayed until early hours of the morning.

My hand flew to cover my mouth, tears welling up in my eyes at the photograph along with it. There was my fiancé, around the back of some building, making out with some blonde. The quality wasn't the greatest but it was clear enough for me to know it was him.

"I don't want to read anymore" I handed the phone back to Matthew who took it, tears pouring down my cheeks. "I'm going to be sick" I pushed myself up from the couch, my hand on my stomach as I began towards the downstairs bathroom. I chocked on my sobs as I heaved, the tears just continuously pouring down my cheeks. He wouldn't really do this, would he? He wouldn't really cheat on me.


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