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I found myself growing excited as I readjusted the robe around my body after having fed Ayla. I leant down to press a kiss to her forehead, the smile on my face widening as her lips tugged into a smile in her sleep.

"I love you so much, Baby Girl" I took a gentle hold of her hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it. "You're my little warrior, Peanut" she cooed in her sleep and I blinked to force back the tears that burnt at the back of my eyes. "Let's get you laid down, Gorgeous" I pushed myself up from the couch and began towards the bassinet. I gently lowered her down into it, she whimpered from the loss of contact but soon settled herself, her hand tightly wrapped around my finger. "I can't wait to be able to take you out and show you off to the world and that really isn't like me" I lightly chuckled. I looked up at the sound of a key in the door, my stomach instantly filling up with butterflies.

"I'm home" Batman and Ella darted towards the front door with their tails wagging. I chewed down into my lower lip as I gently pulled my finger from Ayla's grip. I stared down at her for a moment before I turned my attention to Max as he stepped into the living room with Batman and Ella dancing enthusiastically around his feet. "Hi, Baby" I gave him a small smile as he stepped towards me and brushed his lips gently against mine. He pulled away sooner than I wanted him too, a need growing rapidly in my lower stomach. I chewed down on my lip as I took a step away from him, watching quietly as he cooed down at Ayla. "Hi, Baby Girl. Did you have a good day....?" I slowly zoned out, my eyes running along his body as I imagined all the things I wanted him to do to me. "Demi?" I jumped from my stare and looked up to meet his gaze. "You okay?" I quietly nodded and wondered towards the couch. Max knelt down in front of me before I even had chance to think about what to do. Do I just pounce or do I try and make it romantic? "What are you wearing under here, Baby?" he tugged lightly at my robe strap which made my stomach clench and my throat to run dry. I leant forward to crash my lips to his, the only thing I could think of how to do. I locked my fingers into his hair as his hands, for a moment, travelled under my robe and along my silk covered waist until he suddenly pulled away and my heart sunk into my stomach.

"Demi, no..."

"Do I repulse you?"

"Baby, what...?"

"Am I suddenly unattractive to you?" I could feel myself growing emotional.


"Why won't you have sex with me, Max?" he stared at me, his eyebrows raised and his eyes slightly wide.

"Demi? Baby, what's going on?" I could feel my eyes beginning to well with tears and I pushed Max's hands off me.

"Nothing. Just leave me alone" I quickly turned myself around and darted upstairs, tears pouring down my cheeks as they burnt with embarrassment. Why do I always make myself look stupid?


I watched in confusion as Demi hastily disappeared up the stairs. My mouth opened as I went to call her back but no sound came out. I went to follow after her but the sound of Ayla whimpering grabbed at my attention. A smile formed on my face as I headed into the living room and towards the bassinet, the smile on my face widening at the sight of my daughter. My daughter that I share with Demi.

"Hi, Peanut" I gently lifted her from the bassinet and cradled her against my chest. "What are we going to do about mommy eh, Baby Girl?" I pressed a kiss to her temple and sighed. "Shall we go and see if we can cheer her up?" Ayla settled herself against my chest. I began from the room, being careful of my daughter who was slowly beginning to drift back to sleep in my arms. I knocked lightly on the master bedroom door but wasn't surprised when I didn't receive a reply. I turned the handle and pushed the door, my eyes instantly landing on Demi who was curled up on her side of the bed. She didn't move an inch as I stepped further into the room, beginning towards the bassinet. I lowered Ayla down into it and leant to press a kiss to her forehead. "Have a nice nap, Baby Girl" I then turned my focus on Demi. I released a sigh and began towards her side of the bed. I lowered myself down onto the floor beside the bed and ran my fingers along Demi's arm which was covering her face. "Baby?" all I received in reply was a sniffle. "You going to tell me what's wrong, Baby? Or am I going to have to guess?" she replied with a shrug and I couldn't help but to lightly chuckle. "Baby?" I leant to press a kiss to the top of her head but she just grumbled. "What's wrong, Demi?" I lightly pulled at her arm until she reluctantly moved it so that I could see her tear-stained face. "What's wrong?" she sniffled and adjusted herself on the bed so she was now facing me more.

"Do-Do you still find me attractive?"

"Baby, what..."

"Just answer the question" Demi cut me off.

"Of course I still find you attractive. Demi, you're gorgeous, you're beautiful and you're sexy. You're the mother of my daughter, Demi, and I love you so fucking much. Now, what's going on in this gorgeous head of yours?" I stroked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Why-Why don't you want to have sex with me? The last time you tried was the week we brought Ayla home and now, you just practically pushed me away downstairs."

"Baby, the reason I haven't tried is because the last time I tried, you told me that you wasn't ready and I don't want to push you. Baby, you tensed when I ran my hand along your waist. I think of our relationship as more than just sex" she sniffled and my heart honestly broke. "Did you really think I couldn't find you attractive?" she lightly shrugged her shoulders and I couldn't help but to chuckle. "Well, that will never happen. I think I find you more attractive now than I ever did before" Demi just rolled her eyes.

"Don't talk shit."

"I'm being serious. Now come here" I wrapped my arms around her, my grip tightening around her neck and she sighed and practically flopped herself against me. "We will have sex again, Demi, but not until you're 100% ready" she nodded and nuzzled herself more into me. "I love you, Baby. More than you will ever know or understand."

"I love you too" we just remained wrapped in each other's embrace, enjoying the quiet that settled around us.


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