Forty Four

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"I need the toilet" I whimpered as I sat on the edge of the bed, my head resting against Kobe's chest as he gently massaged my back.

"Come on then, Baby" he helped me to slide off the bed and the moment I stood, I didn't need the toilet anymore.

"My water has just broken" we glanced down at the slowly growing puddle on the floor. "I don't need the toilet anymore either" he lightly chuckled and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Sit back down, Baby" I lowered myself back down onto the bed. Kobe pressed the nurse call button and it was less than a minute later that my nurse stepped into the room with a smile.

"Hi Demi. Are we okay?"

"Demi's water has just broken."

"Lovely. Is it alright if I just check you?" I nodded, lowering myself back on the bed. Kobe took a seat in the chair beside me and slid his hand into mine, pressing a kiss to the back of it. "Okay, Demi" I whimpered as she began to check my dilation, my grip tightening slightly on Kobe's hand as he leant to press a kiss to my forehead. "8cm, we're nearly there, Demi."

"Thank fuck" she lightly chuckled.

"You're doing really well, Sweetheart" I've been in labour for only 4 hours. I can't believe how quickly it is progressing.

"Pass me my phone" Kobe grabbed my phone off the table and handed it to me. "My mom's on her way up" I spoke as I read the message notification.

"Does she know where you are?"

"Yeah" I hissed out, whimpering and I arched my back slightly.

"Breathe, Baby" I released a breath, not even aware that I'd been holding my breath. "Don't start turning blue on me, Dems" I rolled my eyes as he chuckled.

Me: Are you coming to see your daughter be born??

I hit send and locked it, handing it to Kobe so he could place it back onto the table.

"I am so proud of you, Dem" Kobe began to run his fingers through my hair which was shoved into a messy bun on the top of my head. "I love you, Baby" I smiled as he ran his hand along my bump. I turned to him and pressed my hand against his cheek.

"I love you too."

"I was talking to baby girl but okay" I rolled my eyes as he lightly chuckled. He pressed a peck to my lips before I could turn my face away from him. "I love you so much" I leant to press my lips against his, pulling away with a whimper. "Keep breathing, Dem" I breathed through the pain, my forehead pressed against Kobe's as he lightly caressed my belly, his fingers still stroking delicately through my hair. "You're doing so good, Baby" I pulled away from him once the contraction ended, turning to the door as there was a knock.

"Come in" the door was pushed open and my mom poked her head around the doorframe.

"Hi Baby Girl."

"Momma" her mouth spread into a smile as she stepped into the room, quietly closing the door behind her. She began around the bed, her hand taking mine as she pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"How are you doing, Baby?"

"I'm 8cm dilated."

"She's coming fast then?" I nodded, lightly chuckling as I glanced down at my bump.

"Apparently so" I glanced to Kobe who gave me a smile and lightly stroked a strand of hair off my sweaty and slightly sticky forehead. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and my mouth twitched.

"Does Max know that you're here, Baby?"

"Can you pass me my phone, please?" Kobe grabbed my phone off the table and handed it to me. I hadn't received a reply from Max but I could see that he had read the message. "He's read the message but he hasn't replied" mom's smile turned sympathetic. "Is Ayla okay?" mom nodded, her thumb stroking along the back of my hand.

"She's fine, Baby. Dallas came over so she's been playing with Savvy."

"My labour with Ayla was so different to this."

"You didn't even get to push, Baby" mom lightly chuckled causing my mouth to twitch slightly. The slight smile on my face though was wiped away by a contraction.

"Ow" I tightened my grip around Kobe's hand who didn't complain once. He just pressed a kiss to my temple and helped me through it.

"You're doing so good, Baby. I'm so proud of you" the contraction didn't once die down, it just continued on.

"Fuck, I need to push" I whimpered, dropping my head onto Kobe's shoulder as the tears began their journey down my cheeks. "Ow, shit" I hissed out, tightening my grip around Kobe's hand as he pressed the nurse call button with the other.

"Breathe, Baby" I released a breath, tensing as the contraction just continued to build. Kobe pressed his lips against my forehead and stroked the back of my hand with his thumb. A moment later the door opened and our nurse stepped through, closely followed by Dr Anderson who gave us a warm smile.

"Hi Demi, how are you doing?" she wondered towards the sink so she could wash her hands.

"I-I feel like I need to push."

"Okay, Sweetheart. Is it alright if I just check you?" I nodded, adjusting myself on the bed so I was laying on my back. Kobe kept his grip tight on my hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. I whimpered as Dr Anderson began to check my dilation. "10cm. It looks like we're having a baby" I glanced to Kobe whose mouth had spread into a wide smile. "Get yourself into the best position for you, Demi, and then you can start pushing, okay?" I nodded, Kobe helping me to adjust myself on the bed so I was in the most comfortable position for myself. I was leant back against the bed, Kobe on my right and my mom on my left, each of them had a hold of my hands. "Okay, Demi, on your next contraction I want you to push for me."


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