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"Peanut" I cooed as I took Ayla from my mom. We were invited to the after party but after my run in with the brothers, we decided against it. I don't fancy bumping into them again. And I also really fucking missed my baby. "How was she?" I cradled Ayla against my chest, smiling wider as she began to tiredly babble to herself.

"She was a little angel. She's been a treasure to look after. She's been babbling a lot though, even in her sleep."

"Yeah, I think we're going to have a little chatterbox" I glanced back at Max as he stepped up behind me, his hand on my lower back as he leant down to press a delicate kiss to the top of Ayla's head causing her to coo.

"Congratulations, by the way" I glanced back up at mom with a wide smile. "I told you that you'd win. I could have jumped up and down and screamed when they announced your name but I kept it to a minimum for little miss, who is also very proud of her mommy" I smiled wider down at Ayla who had a tight grip on my finger.

"What's wrong, Baby Girl?" I cooed as she released a whine and nuzzled herself more into my chest.

"She hasn't been fed yet. We've not long just changed her diaper" I nodded as I began to bounce Ayla.

"Are we hungry, Peanut?" I pressed a kiss to Ayla's forehead before I turned to Max. "I'm going to go upstairs and get her fed and ready for bed" he nodded and leant to brush a kiss to my lips.

"Okay, I'll meet you upstairs in a min" I pressed another kiss to his lips before I turned to my mom.

"Thank you so much for looking after her."

"You're welcome, Baby Girl. I'll get going so you can get her settled. Congratulations again, Baby" I smiled and allowed mom to wrap her arms around me, her lips pressing a gentle kiss to my temple.

"Thank you, Momma. I love you."

"I love you too, Baby Girl" I gave her a final smile before I turned and began up the stairs, cooing to Ayla who's cries just grew louder.


I watched Demi as she began upstairs, turning to Dianna once I heard the bedroom door close.

"You're still okay to watch Ayla and the dogs next weekend, aren't you?"

"Yes, Max" I nodded and released a breath as I followed her into the living room.

"You think she'll say yes?" Dianna turned to me after picking up her purse from the floor, a wide smile spread across her face as she nodded.

"Of course she's going to say yes. You've made her so happy, Max. You've literally made her the happiest I've ever seen her and I'm so thankful for you" I wrapped my arms around her as I noticed tears in her eyes. "Thank you for making my baby so happy" I shook my head as I eventually pulled from the hug.

"You don't need to thank me for anything. I don't want her to be anything but happy. That girl deserves the world and I hope I can give it to her" the smile on both of our faces just kind of widened. "Thank you for everything, Dianna" she shook her head and gave me another brief hug before I walked her to the door. I gave her a wave as she left before I closed and locked the door behind me. I began upstairs, Batman and Ella following behind. I tried to wipe the shit-eating grin off my face but it proved difficult as I pushed open the master bedroom door to reveal Demi leant back against the pillows, nursing Ayla.

"Hi, Babe" she glanced up from Ayla, her eyebrows creasing together as she noticed my smile. "What's with the huge ass grin?" I shook my head, closing the door behind me as Batman and Ella jumped up onto the bed.

"I'm just happy" she rolled her eyes causing me to chuckle as I leant back against the door and smiled at them all.

"Okay, you weirdo" I pushed myself away from the door, removing my shirt and throwing it into the hamper. I noticed as I glanced back up that Demi was already in her pyjamas which consists of one of my shirts and a pair of panties. I unfastened my pants and slid them down my legs, also discarding of them in the hamper. I was left in just my boxers as I climbed under the covers on the opposite side of the bed to Demi.

"How long has she been feeding?" I ran my hand along Ayla's leg causing her to momentarily pull away from Demi's breast.

"Don't distract her" Demi swatted at my hand causing me to lightly chuckle as I lowered my head onto her shoulder. "She's been feeding for about a minute" Demi released a sigh and lowered her cheek down onto my head. "I'm so tired" I pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

"We'll get her fed and then we can get to sleep" I lifted my head off her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I'm so fucking proud of you."

"All I'm doing is feeding our daughter" I rolled my eyes and shook my head causing her to giggle. "Thank you. I didn't expect it that's for sure."

"You deserved it though" I stroked a strand of hair behind her ear and pressed another kiss to her cheek. "What did they have to say to you while I was at the bathroom?" Demi sighed and glanced down at Ayla.

"They just wanted to say congratulations. Ni-Nick wanted to talk but I-I don't think I'll ever want to talk to him again. He left me. He was my best friend and he left me when I was at my lowest. Out of everyone, I didn't think he'd ever leave me" I continued to play with her hair as I noticed her eyes starting to well with tears but she rapidly blinked them back before they could fall. "Can we not talk about it?" I nodded and gave her a small smile.

"Okay, let's talk about how gorgeous our baby is instead" Demi lightly giggled, the sound music to my ears.


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