(Akame Ga Kill)-Akame: Aftermath

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A.N (I'm going with the anime and not the manga. Haven't read the manga, I'm thinking of giving it a try. )

It's been a month since nightraids final battle at the capital. With the unfortunate loss of many, we obtained victory. The land was finally free from that bastard adviser. It was a shame about the boy king if he wasn't influenced so heavily by that prick adviser he would have made a remarkable ruler, at least in my opinion.

Akame and I have been traveling for the month going where ever she wishes to go. I don't mind as long I am with her I'll go just about anywhere, even to the depths of hell for her. We were staying at a small inn by a remote town, this was after a small job we did just to earn a few extra coins. I couldn't sleep the night away so I stood by the window of our room watching the slight glow of the crescent moon, as well as the stars that shone with radiance with a few small clouds passing by once in a while. I was thinking of the others when I felt these small yet strong arms wrap around my waist and a chin leaning on my shoulder.

Akame: "Can't sleep huh?"


Akame: "what you thinking about?"

Y/N: "the others... I miss them."

Akame: "I miss them too."

Y/N: "I hope they found salvation wherever they are now."

Akame: "I believe they did. Why don't you come back to bed."

Y/N: "In a bit."

I turned around wrapping my arms around her this time holding her close. Staring into her red eyes, the moon's light reflecting off of them making them shine a brilliant crimson.

Y/N: "I am so happy I met you, I don't think I could have gone on this long, I've lost so many friends and loved ones."

Akame: "You don't give yourself enough credit, you are stronger than you think."

Y/N: "I'm strong because of you."

Akame: "Your such a dork. "
She said with a smile playfully slapping my shoulder

Y/N: "yes but I'm your dork"

Akame: "hahaha that's true."

While still holding her I gave her a few pecks on her lips.

Y/N: "Oh yes I just remembered. Do you remember when you were fighting Esdeth and the white of your eyes turned black?"

Akame: "um yyyyyyeah."
She looked confused.

Y/N: "Do you think you can do it again?"
I asked with excitement.

She started eyeing me suspiciously
Akame: "yes I can. Why are you asking?"

A.N (I don't really know if she actually can I'm just assuming so If she can't well she can in this story. Also, I don't know about you but when any fictional women have those sort of eyes where the sclera is black, doesn't matter what color her iris is. I think that's beautiful )

Y/N: "well I know it's weird but could you please do it for me, I find it very beautiful."
I tried my best to give a puppy dog face

Dropping her head she sighed
Akame: "Ok only because you are so cute."

She proceeded to change her eyes for a few minutes.

Akame: "So what do you think."

I threw my head back placing my hand over my heart.
Y/N: "oof! now that is just sexy."

Akame: "ok ok that's enough we need to try and get some rest it's bright and early tomorrow for the rode."
Her eyes reverted back.


I slump my head down.
Y/N: "yes ma'am."

She took my hand and dragged me towards the bed. We snuggled the rest of the night till morning comes.

(Right that is my first chapter for my first fanfic, this one is short but I got what I wanted out of it even though I would have liked to have made it longer. If more ideas for this chapter come to mind ill definitely edit it, later on, to drag it out a little more. I felt this was better pased than my original stories but it still feels like it's lacking something, I don't know what though if you have an opinion on it please share I would love your perspective.)

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