(X-Men Evolution)- Storm/ Ororo Munroe: Power Test

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We stood in the middle of an open field not too far from the mansion, it was just the two of us just to be safe and make sure no one else would get hurt. I convinced her to help me out, I wanted to test my abilities and try to advance them. So far the only thing I could do was absorb energy-based powers, whether that was electricity, cyclops laser eyes, fire-based attacks, gambets explosion abilities and so on, not much of a power, all I was really good for was being a tank for the team.

Ororo: "I'm not sure about this Y/N, are you sure you want to take the risk."

Y/N: "I need to Ororo, if the last attacks told me anything is that our enemies are becoming more powerful and advanced, I need to push my powers and become stronger myself, or I won't be able to help protect the students, I won't be able to help protect you."

Ororo: "You know I can take care of myself."

Y/N: "I know you are powerful, but you are not invincible, and I want to protect you not because I think you are weak but because you are precious to me."

Ororo: "I just don't want to hurt you."

I walked up to her taking her hands in mine.

Y/N: "I'll be fine I promise."

She sighed squeezing my hands then nodded at me. I let go of them then walked over to the middle of the field.

Ororo: "Are you sure about this?"

She looked at me with concern on her face.

Y/N: "Yes, now let's go, hit me with everything you got."

Ororo: "Siwezi kuamini kuwa unataka kufanya hivi, utajiua."

Y/N: "What was that?"

Ororo: "Nothing."

She stuck out her arms the air started to electricity, the wind picked up pretty heavily, the sky grew dark with grey clouds as thunder cracked in the sky. Ororo's blue eyes went a cloudy grey as her pure white hair lifted up from the static. I raised my arms ready to catch the lightning about to come why way. As expected a bolt of lightning hit me, and it was a massive, strong one, I took it into my body. Usually when I did take it in it just dissipated within my body, but with this massive amount, I had no choice but to try something new. Instead of storing it like usual, I decided to channel it out. I shouted from the massive pressure I felt from the lighting sticking out my hands I released this light blue force that knocked me back. I dropped like a sack of rocks. Ororo rushed over to my unresponsive body with hast dropping to her knees right by me.

Ororo: "Y/N! I knew you were going to get yourself killed, come on answer me."

She flipped my body over, seeing I was indeed still alive.

Y/N: "Holy Cow! What a rush."

She looked at me then hit my chest. I started to rub the same spot.

Y/N: "Owe!"

Ororo: "You had me worried, I thought I killed you."

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you but I'm good, so good that we need to try that again."

Ororo: "No, not again."

Y/N: "Ororo."

Ororo: "You may have survived this one, but the next you may not, I won't take that chance."

Y/N: "You saw the progress I made, I had never been able to shoot projectiles before, with this new achievement I will be able to contribute more, It would also help with teaching.

She stared at me contemplating what I just said.

Ororo: "No more for today at least, I've had enough of a heart attack."

Y/N: "Come on at least a little."

She stared me down, her face may have looked calm but behind her eyes, there was a storm.

Y/N: "Ok, no more for today, I promise."

She smiled and the tempest in her eyes calmed. I sat up on my knees to face her I leaned in as she fell back onto the green grass, I went in for a kiss, one she returned, laying above her using my arm as support, I ran my one hand through her hair pushing it back as it sprawled over the grass.

Y/N: "I adore you with all my heart."

Ororo: "and I feel the same."

I gave her another kiss before I pressed my body against hers, we layed there for a bit in each other's arms. When enough time passed we got ready to go back to the mansion.

Y/N: "Well I suppose we should get back."

Ororo: "Yes."

I got up pulling her up as well, I held her hand as we walked back to the car.

A.N (Well I try to put at least one story a month out, but for the ones I am currently busy with I am a bit stuck, Luckily this one popped into my head this afternoon and I was able to do a quick one.)

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