(RWBY): Raven Branwin-Back At Camp

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A.N (I don't know this one feels a bit off like it's missing something. But I can't think of what else to do and I don't have the patients. So here you are, and as always hope you enjoy it.)

I made my way through the Forrest tracking the tribe after my tedious journey, coming across a large makeshift wooden wall I knew I found it. Two people were on guard, they raised their weapons the moment they saw me approach.

Guard: "Halt who goes there."

I took off the hood that covered my face revealing my Identity

Guard: "Oh crap Y/N, I'm sorry didn't realize it was you."

Y/N: "No stress."

They stepped aside to open the gates and let me in.

Guard: "Glad to have you back."

Y/N: "Glad to be back.

I passed a few of the tribesmen giving my greetings, coming across the tent closed to Ravens, Vernal pushed open the flap exiting the tent wearing shorts and a tank top, couldn't blame her it was super hot weather we were having. A shocked expression graced her face when we made eye contact.

Vernal: "Y/N your back."

Y/N: "Judging by everyone's shocked expressions I get the feeling you all expected me to die out there."

I kept a serious tone and a stern face.

Vernal: "Noooo, no no no I swear nothing like that, just thought you would be longer out exploring."

I walked up to her still all serious, she backed up a bit nervously. When I got close enough I gave her a slight smile giving her a small slap on the shoulder.

Y/N: "Relax just pulling the piss out of you."

She gave a nervous laugh.

Vernal: "Oh yeah...right...haha."

Y/N: "Raven?"

Vernal: "In her tent, cooling off, she may not have acted like it but she was worried for you."

Y/N: "Thanks, will chat later."

Vernal: "Yeah chat later."

I pushed the flap aside entering the tent. There she laid on a futon in some sort of sports bra and shorts reading some book with her hair down. I took off my shirt and dropped down my pants leaving me only in my jocks. I walked to her just by her open legs, her eye's never leaving the book.

Raven: "I'm really not in the mood Vernal, whatever dispute it is please just deal with it."

I dropped to my knees then flopped my head right onto her stomach, wrapping my arms around her.

Raven: "What the fu... 'gasp' Love your back safe."

She dropped the book and hugged me. Kissed me on top of my head.I hummed in agnoligment.

Raven: "And how did it go? Glad you saw your ex?"

Y/N: "Mmmm, she's moved on, and is happy, glad she chose him. He's a good Faunas and was a good friend of mine. He will treat her right. I think he's the chief now."

Raven: "Good, perhaps now you can stop moping around."

I looked up into her red eye's. Placed my hand on her cheek and stroked it with my thumb.

Y/N: "I'm sorry for putting you through that, really I am, it's just not knowing much was killing me inside, I was just going crazy not knowing if she was ok. I wanted to move on...I wanted to move on with you and for you but I couldn't with that on my heart. It wasn't fair on you if my mind was somewhere else, on someone else when it was supposed to be here by you. Giving you the attention you deserve, but it's finally over. We can both move on."

Raven: "I know love... I know, I'm just glad you are back with me safe and sound."

I went back to cuddling with her, my head on her torso and arms wrapped around. Feeling her skin and taking in her warmth. She went back to reading her book. We spent a few moments like that. I was just about to dose off when I felt her tracing her finger on the scars that littered my back. It was a slight tickle but I loved it, it felt nice.

Raven: "We got quite the hall about 3 days past enough to last us a few month's, we used those days to move far away from the scene. So decided to take a long rest here for a few days before we move on."

I hated talking about it. I never approved of how we plunder innocents to 'air quotes' survive. Bullshit excuse. We had a few nasty fights because of the disagreement. But in the end, my love and desire for her won. Still hoping I can change that part of her. She knows I hate it so she doesn't talk about it much but when she does I try to change the subject quick.

Y/N: "Mmmm, that means we get to spend quality time together. Whatever shall we do?"

I said in a tired yet slightly sarcastic voice. She responded with a seductive tone.

Raven: "I can think of a few things."

She reached over and gave my ass a squeeze. A surprised chuckle escaped my throat the moment she squeezed my ass, then went back tracing my back.

Y/N: "Can't wait for that, but for now, rest. I'm exhausted."

Raven: "I don't dought you on that."

Y/N: "Any trouble with Grimm?"

Raven: "Some small sightings here and there but not much."

Y/N: "You and I should go hunting soon then."

Raven: "Yes now that sounds like fun."

Y/N: "Any news on Yang?"

Raven: "Not much really."

She didn't really like talking about her daughter so I left it at that

Y/N: "Mmmm I see... I haven't given you a proper hello kiss yet have I."

Raven: "No you haven't. You should atone, commit seppuku."

Y/N: "I'll do that but first I need to give you this."

I leaned up from my very comfortable pillow and gave her a proper kiss before returning to her stomach. She moved from my back to playing with my hair.

Raven: "I love you."

A smile appeared upon my lips as I gave her a squeeze.

Y/N: "I love you too."

And with that, I fell asleep with a beautiful woman I cherish. Have nothing but sweet dreams for the night.

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