(Fate)-Medusa: A Fallen City.

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A.N(I apologize for this late one, I know I didn't post last month but here we are, this one of Rider popped into my head all of a sudden as an idea and I thought that it would be a cool one so here it is, hope you enjoy.)

I leaned against the broken door frame of the mostly destroyed building, the sword I held was slung over my shoulder as I watched in the distance the once mighty Fuyuki City built by 3 powerful mage families was now in ruins. Six months after the initial devastation some strange magic kept some of the flames from then still burning, the light from the fires emitted an orange hue slightly brightening the constant night sky. I kept watching waiting in anticipation for my love to return, a few days ago we decided to split up to look for our masters who we were separated from form a few months ago. We agreed to meet back here after a few days whether we were successful or not, I sadly was not. As I kept watch my eyes caught a glimpse of three figures approaching, I tightened the grip on my sword squinting my eyes. When the figures were close enough to Identity I loosened my grip and sheathed my sword. I resisted the urge to fully sprint to Madusa and just did a small jog, the closer we approached each other I saw that the other two figures were two small children, two little girls who were holding Medusa's hands.

Y/N: "You're finally back, I'm relieved to see you are ok."

Madusa: "As do I, any luck?"

I shook my head.

Madusa: "I see."

Y/N: "and theses two?"

Madusa: "My master."

She placed her hand on top of the purpel-haired girl's head. I knelt down to greet her.

Y/N: "Hello you must be Sakura."

She immediately retreated behind Madusa. I looked back at Madusa.

Y/N: "Shy one isn't she? I know you mentioned before that she was a little girl but still, it baffles me."

Madusa: "Fortunately circumstances dictate that I would be her guardian."

Y/N: "And the other one."

Madusa: "Her sister Rin, I know, it's a long story."

Rin: "Rider! How dare you share that?"

Madusa: "Forgive me Rin, it's just that I trust Saber with my life."

I stood up to greet her properly, as I reached my hand out she smacked it away

Rin: "Back off dick wadd."

Y/N: "Dick Wadd?"

Madusa snorted a small laugh at Rin's comment, which was strange considering I'd only seen her act out her emotions a few times and that was mostly when I flirted with her.

Sakura: "R...Ri...Rin, you shouldn't say such bad words."

Y/N: "Colourful one aren't you?"

I had a sudden sense that someone was near, I could tell from Medusa's reaction that she felt the same. Before we could tell the girls a hulking figure came out of nowhere trying to crash down on me I dodged just in time, the smoke cleared and what stood before me was a tall, short blue-haired man in old Roman armour, the white of his eyes were black and his pupils were a dark luminescent yellow, like his eyes I could see his veins throughout his body glowing the same dark yellow. I looked over his shoulder and saw that Medusa had jumped back with the girls, she placed them down and then materialized her nail chined daggers. I unsheathed my sword just as the other servant jumped from the crater he had made going straight for me.

I blocked his fist with my sword, I could tell he was of the Berserker class from his brute strength that sent me flying a few meters. He charged at me again but I was more prepared this time and dodged his attack by sidestepping him, he continued to come at me and I kept dodging him trying to keep a distance as he used his fists to get me, it was difficult to fight back with my sword that required distance as he kept closing in all I could do was dodge. That is when Medusa shot out like a bullet with blinding speed at the Berserker, despite how quick she was he was able to back fist her knocking her back, she did a few flips but was able to adjust herself in mid-air landing gracefully. She charged at him trying to keep him off balance, this allowed me to get in a few strikes but nothing serious as he was still somehow able to keep both of us at bay. The fight dragged on for about a minute and I could tell Madusa was getting used to Berserker's movement, she was dodging a lot more easily and getting in more strikes.

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