(Fate series)-Medusa Part 1: Golden Warrior

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A.N(Well here we are, my own little take on the greek gods. This story turned out a hell of a lot longer than I intended, so long I debated for some time whether to leave it in one go or divide it into a two-parter. I settled on the two-parter as not to overwhelm you the reader.

I also felt convinced about the story and like an idiot instead of changing it, I am just going to leave this note.

This is a work of fiction, merely for the fun of it and the fantasy, this does not influence my beliefs or my opinion on religions topics, this is not to be taken seriously.

And with that, I hope you enjoy it.)

Weapon of choice, a war sickle

Weapon of choice, a war sickle

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3rd pov

Ancient Greece was a time of deadly plagues and diseases, horrid monsters, devastating disasters, tyrannical god's and tragic stories but most of all it was a place of legendary hero's. This tragic tail is about a demi-god whose tail was lost to time.

1st pov

On top a small hill just by the rode laying on a bench under a olive tree I was relaxing in the shade trying to escape the suns rays. A long piece of wheat in my mouth. I heard whispers coming down the road, I sat up to see who it was. Two beautiful young women were walking past, they had auburn hair with brown eyes one's hair was hanging loose while the other was tied in a bun at the top. I gave them a wink, they giggled gave a cute wave and scurried off. I gazed across the grain field before me, a small breeze howled sweeping over the grain creating a wave carrying a voice with it.

???: "Come to my temple."

I dropped down on my back with a sigh and begrudgingly stood up. Stanging for a few more moments I felt a strong wind push me on.

Y/N: "Yes I'm coming mother."

With another sigh I thought to myself, well there goes my relaxing week off as I made my way to the temple. I entered the temple made my way to the large statute at the back bowing before the altar.

Y/N: "I am here goddess Demeter."

A sudden flash of light produced a beautiful women floating in mid-air. She wore a gold and white dress her golden hair tied into a bun with small streaks of grey on the side. Slight wrinkles formed at the sides of my eyes and mouth but instead of making her look withered it did the opposite only adding to her beauty, giving her a mature pretty look.

Demeter: "I see you still refuse to kneel before me."

Y/N: " First you are my mother then you are a goddess besides you've never punished me for it, so I assume it doesn't bother you too much."

She just waved me off, I straightened myself to look into her golden eye's.

Demeter: "I have a task to ask of you."

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