(Fate)-Caster/Medea: Moving In.

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Y/N: "You still got a good grip?"

Medea: "Yeah yeah I still got it."

Y/N: "Just a little further and we will be settled. Aaaaand drop it here."

Medea: "Ooof!"

She stood up straight then flopped into the very cushy couch sighing.

I stood straight wiping the sweat from my brow then stretched my back, as soon as that was done I too flopped down right next to her.

Medea: "We really couldn't have asked the movers to do the rest?"

Y/N: "They already took it up for us which was enough, besides I don't think they would have got the interior design properly, you and I managed just fine with the few stuff we have."

Medea: "It would have been easier if we had just used magic."

Y/N: "You know we can't take the risk, if the clock tower or church ever discovered that you were still here they would stop at nothing to get us. So very small acts of magic. Besides it's taking both of us everything we have to keep this bounded field as strong as possible to cloke us."

Medea: "A bit of levitation to move some furniture wouldn't do any harm."

Y/N: "Meah where would be the fun in that anyhow, takes away a normal life that you and I want to live. And normal people move things physically."

Medea: "I'm starting to rethink this normal life now."

Y/N: "Haha, don't worry you'll get used to it."

She dropped her head on my shoulder, I moved my arm over her shoulders moving my hand on the top of hers slipping my fingers in between hers, she then closed her hand gripping my fingers gently.

Medea: "At least it's done and we're settled."

Y/N: "Yeah."

I looked around our small 2 bedroom apartment, it wasn't much but it was something as well as affordable, we had one sofa that we were currently sitting on, a stove and fridge as well as a king-size bed in our room.

Y/N: "I know it isn't much but we can cook, we have a place to sleep and bath, more than a lot of other people in this world."

Medea: "Oh don't worry, I'll decorate this place up nicely, it will start looking a lot fuller when I'm done."

Y/N: "This it's ancient Greece so don't go too crazy."

She tapped my cheek with her free hand.

Medea: "Oh aren't you just so adorable."

Her eyes went from my face to my bicep, she narrowed her eyes and poked it.

Medea: "What's this?"

Y/N: "My arm?"

Medea: "Yes but this on it, looks like you are getting some muscle, I don't like this."

Y/N: "You know, you are the possibility the only woman who hates a muscular man, if there are any more out there I am still to meet them."

Medea: "You know my past and my legend, big muscles represent a hero, and a hero represents tragedy."

Y/N: "Well you don't have to worry, it's not like I'm going to the gym to get super ripped. It's just a result of carrying some heavy stuff is all, this is how the natural body functions. Looks like you are also getting some muscle."

She looked at me absolutely shocked and horrified at the notion that she would develop some muscle.

I shifted my body slightly to the side. Placing my hand on her arm.

Y/N: "I'm joking, I promise it was just a joke."

I wasn't really but the look on her face told me that I shouldn't mention anything like that.

Medea: "That isn't funny."

She leaned back onto the couch crossing her arms pouting. She was not happy with me but I knew what to would change her mood. I stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen.

Y/N: "Well we are both hungry so I know what will cheer you up. Mom's famous cupcakes, I baked some yesterday before we moved."

She side-eyed me with a bit of a twinkle in her purple eyes.

Medea: "Well I suppose I could go for something to eat."

I grabbed a plate, opened the Tupperware and placed some muffins on the plate then walked back sat down handing her one, she popped it straight into her mouth

Medea: "Mmmm, now that's good, you are forgiven."

Y/N: "Thank you, love."

Medea: "You need to teach me how to make these so I can bake them for you when you are too busy."

Y/N: "As soon as things are settled down I promise."

With a mouth full of muffins she indicated for me to lift the plate, I did so, confused until she lifted her legs and rested them on my lap. After swallowing her mouth full she spoke.

Medea: "My feet were sore from all the walking so I wanted to rest them."

Subtlely hinting to me that she would like a foot rub. I finished my muffin then slipped off her sandals she was wearing and began to give her a foot massage.

Medea: "Mmmmm that's good, thank you sweet heart."

Y/N: "Anything for you love."

I could feel her staring at me, full of love in her eyes as I gave her a deep foot rub.

Y/N: "What?"

Medea: "Mmmm nothing."

Y/N: "What is it?"

Medea: "I just love you is all."

Y/N: "That's hardly nothing, that's something."

Medea: "Thank you."

I turned from what I was doing to look at her.

Medea: "Thank you for listening, for actually trying to understand me, despite the horrors I committed in the war, especially to you, instead of vengeance you gave me grace. And in the end, you chose to love me instead of hate me. You freed me, in the past people treated me as a witch and so I became one, in the end, you chose to see something more and now we are here, living a life I could only see in my dreams. I love you!"

Y/N: "I won't lie when I first saw your face I fell in love with your beauty, I was vain at first it wasn't because I knew you, it was just for your looks, but when I was being tortured, instead of resentment I couldn't help but think 'what would be like to actually fall in love with this women? What would it be like to have a life with her.' so after eventually convincing you to talk to me and learning more about you, I couldn't help but love you. And now we are here."

She had a mixed look of remorse on her face and guilt as well as love and awe.

Medea: "Y/N I am so sor..."

I cut her off with a kiss to make sure she didn't finish that.

Y/N: "We talked about it once and agreed that what's done is done, I forgave you a long time ago, you need to learn to forgive yourself now."

She looked at me with a smile placing her hand on my cheek and stroking it with her thumb. She then leaned in to kiss me, a soft gentle kiss. It would take a while before she learned to forgive herself, but given enough time and support she will eventually get there.

Y/N: "It's late, I think we should get to bed we have an early morning.

Medea: "Agreed."

I stood up then picked her up bridal style, she yelped then giggled as we went to bed for the night.

A.N (Yo sorry for the late update, things got really busy in my life real quick so I didn't have time, that and I was working on something for last month slowly but got stuck with it. However I was able to throw this one together, I've been wanting to do one with Medea for a while but this one is not what I had in mind, I was hoping for a little more action so I'll probably do another one with her sometime in the future. Once again I hope you enjoy it all the same and God Bless.)

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