(RWBY)-Willow Schnee: You're Alive?

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I stood at the large window gazing down into the courtyard from my bedroom, a glass of wine in hand as I watched the occasional servant pass through going about their business. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window one could see in my eyes and my face how the emotional and mental exhaustion has affected me over the years. I sighed downing the rest of the wine in the glass then looked away turning towards the chair and table just behind me where the wine bottle was laid, I placed the glass on the table and was about to sit on the chair when a figure caught my eye, I assumed it was another servant in the courtyard but decided to look anyhow. The person was hooded and looked suspicious that is until he looked up at me, the moment I saw his face shock hit me like an ice-cold gust of wind, I recognized that face anywhere. I dashed out of the room flinging the door open, I ran down the hall as fast as I could passing a few surprised servants as well as a shocked Weiss who shouted after me.

Weiss: "Mother wait!"

I didn't bother to stop, I had to get to the courtyard, I got to the stairs trying to get down quickly almost tripping a few times. I got to the large doors and pushed them open wide I looked around but saw no one I bolted to the place where he was standing but tripped and fell to my knees scrapping and bruising my leg. Weiss came running after me as well as some of the servants.

Weiss: "Mother are you ok?"

Weiss dropped down to my level to get a better look at me she placed a hand on my back

Weiss: "Your hurt."

Willow: "Where is he?"

Male Servant: "Who mistress?"

Willow: "The man standing here but a few moments ago he wore a cloak."

Male Servant: "There is no one around mistress."

Weiss: "Perhaps one of the servants?"

Male: "The servants do not wear cloaks, young miss."

Just at that moment, my husband Jacques came storming out along with our butler Klein

Jacques: "What in the blazes is going on? I'm in a very important meeting."

Weiss: "Mother says she saw a hooded man here just a moment ago."

Jacques: "Did anyone else see anything."

He turned to the servants who all shook their heads or said no.

Jacques: "You've been drinking again haven't you, you probably just imagined it or saw a shadow and mistook it for a person."

I was irritated at his comment and got a bit snappy.

Willow: "This isn't about my drinking Jacques! I know what I saw!"

He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

Jacques: "Fine fine, Klein just to be safe tell security what just happened and do an extra sweep of the entire place for anything and anyone suspicion that they do not recognize."

Klein: "Of course sir I'll get right on that."

He hurried off to do as he was told.

Jacques: "I don't have time for this, Weiss help your mother to her bedroom and clean her up, make sure she is ok I have a meeting to get back to."

Weiss: "As you say, father, come mother up you go."

She pulled me up gently by my arm I stood up still in a bit of shock.

Willow: "It was him, I know it was I swear I saw him."

Jacques: "The rest of you get back to work."

He sternly told the servants who scurried off in all directions before he himself walked back inside.

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