(Fate Series)-Mordred: Don't Go.

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A.N (Another Mordred one, coz I personally think she is best wifu, you are welcome to argue with me on this one I won't fight back coz that just means more of her to keep for myself whahahahah, by the grace of God I need a life. Anyways this one is a sad one because the first one is a happy one, also one of my short ones, hope you enjoy it as much as I do.)

The orange hue of the Sun reflected off the lake as it set over the small mountains, on the small island connected to the mainland by a small grassy pass stood me, she stood next to me, cuts and bruises over her body her hair a mess, I faired no better just as bruised with blood poring over my right eye a deep cut over my brow. She gripped my hand as we stared at the sun slowly disappearing.

Y/N: "Well it's over."

Mordred: "About dame time."

Y/N: "Well there goes our wishes, the grail is now in tatters."

Mordred: "It was out of our control."

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I really wanted to give you your crown."

She shrugged acting calm.

Mordred: "Perhaps next time, but for now it's time to go."

I bit my lip trying to keep my emotions in check but it was difficult as my heart felt like it was pulsing and swelling with sadness as well as frustration, I squeezed her hand and she returned the action.

Y/N: If only we had more time."

Mordred: "If only."

She started to fade, with depleted mana and no grail left there was nothing left to anchor her to this plane of existence. I pulled her in wrapping my arms around her squeezing. After years of holding in the emotions, keeping them hidden my serious stern face that I held broke and the tears came rushing out.

Y/N: "I don't want you to go."

She held onto me trying to comfort me.

Mordred: "I know."

I sobbed like a child everything just coming out. She gave me a small chuckle

Mordred: "You're getting snot all over me."

I sniffed apologizing through the waterworks.

Mordred: "Finally dropped the tough guy act huh."

Y/N: "I can't help it, I've lost so much, I don't want to lose you too."

She moved one hand to the back of my head pulling me into her shoulder.

Mordred: "I don't want that either."

Y/N: "Then don't go, stay with me."

She shook a bit, obviously trying to hold back her own emoticons, unlike me she was more successful at it.

Mordred: "I wish I could, I really do."

Y/N: "Stupid broken grail, could have used it."

Mordred: "haha, yeah we could have... I thought you were tougher than this."

Y/N: "Says you, Usually you would tell me to stop being a crybaby, get up dust myself off or you will kick my ass."

Mordred: "I guess all of this has sparked a change in both of us."

She moved my head to face hers placing her hands against my cheek wiping my tears away with her thumbs.

Mordred: "You will be ok."

Y/N: "I don't want to be, not without you."

Mordred: "You will, I know it. You aren't alone she will make sure of it."

She brought my face in to kiss me, it was the most magical one I've ever had, I suppose knowing it's your last makes you really put in the effort. The kiss lasted for as long as she had time left, just at her last moment we pulled away she smiled at me disappearing saying in her last moments.

Mordred: "I love you."

I dropped to my knees screaming out what emotions I had left eventuality falling asleep from exhaustion there on the hard ground. I awoke to find that I was laying on Luviagelita Edelfelt's lap, she had been a strong, loyal ally in this fight becoming a dearly trusted friend. She looked at me then I turned my head away from her gaze looking at the lake watching the ripples on the moon's reflection, we were there for at least half an hour. I rubbed my red puffy eyes when she said.

Luviagelita: "I think it's time we go."

She slowly got me up supporting my weakened body allowing me to lean on her.

Y/N: "How long was I out?"

Luviagelita: "About an hour give or take."

I looked down to the ground my face betraying me, revealing my true emotions of defeat.

 Luviagelita: "I'm taking you back to my mansion where you can recover."

Y/N: "I'm sorry for being such a weakling burden."

Luviagelita: "Only I get to decide whether you are a burden. and you are not."

She escorted me to her Limousine where it would take us to her residents for me to be attended to.

A.N (I was afraid that this would be too much of a depressing ending, so I wanted to add a little more to lighten it up a bit, but to be honest I like this ending too much to do anything else with it so it will stay, don't worry though other one-shots with more fluffy warm stuff are on the way, can't promise when though, until next time.)

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