(DC)-Diana/Wonder Women: Icy Confession

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Hi My name is Y/N Isley and you are probably wondering what is happening to me right now, well I am currently falling to my death towards some really cold icy water. 'But Y/N how did that happen?' Well, that's a good question, I was sent to investigate some weird activity readings in the north pole only to find Dr freeze planning another ice age disaster for the entire world. It was one of those cliché missions: he captures me, started to monologue like villans do, I escape, we fight, he tries to get away on a plane, I follow, we fight more, he somehow knocks me off the plane escaping to fight another day and sends me plummeting to icy death like Captain America (oops wrong universes.)

Now you are wondering who sent me there? Well, that would be the Justice League, that's right I'm a Leaguer 'Really? well what is your ability Y/N' another excellent question jeez you are curious today. I am able to manipulate plants, yep that's my power. I was recruited by wonder women as the world knows her but I just know her as Diana Prince of Themyscira. When I first met her all I could think was 'dame she's hot' at first I wasn't interested in joining but over time with a few freak bump in's she was able to convince me, there was something about her at the time that just drew me in. She gave some spiel about being a benefit to humanity, honestly, I couldn't have given a rats ass about that. Don't look at me like that if you had the chance to be partnered up a beauty like wonder women you would take the job as well, don't deny it.

I was convinced that the only reason they wanted me to join was because of my older sister. 'Oh Y/N it couldn't be.' If you had guessed Poison Ivy the moment I mentioned sister then yeah you are correct, and yes in this dc alternative universe she has a sibling...me. Her given name is Pamela Lillian Isley, explains my last name at the beginning huh. I just use to call her pam spam, stupid nickname I know but it uses to piss her off so I teased her with it. After she got her abilities it twisted her personality to a degree that she tried an experiment on me then boom... plant manipulation certainly explains my powers. After that you could say we didn't get along, she was no longer the big sister I knew. Now thanks to her and a beautiful heroine I am part of a superhero team. Yes yes I know, enough with the short tragic backstory I'm getting back to wonder women now.

Now where was I, ah yes falling to my death, as I fell backwards staring into the sky I felt the cool icy wind slap me. I figured why fight it and scream like a little girl living my final moment's in embarrassment, I just accepted the situation and allowed God to take me. That was until I noticed a little black dot high in the clouds coming towards me at an incredible speed. I then saw and realized it was Diana. I was then swept up by her, I gripped onto her tightly my head over her shoulder, her hair smelt nice like a warm summers day and her skin was surprisingly soft for an Amazonian warrior. She flew us back to the invisible jet. She quickly placed me down wrapped me up in a bunch of blankets and gave me something warm to drink I sat there shivering.

Y/N: "Th...tha...thanks... fo...for the rescue, bu...but...wha...what happened, I...I...I thought... th...that the other's where busy with other stuff, he..hence the reason I was... se...sent on this mission."

Diana: "Oh poor thing you are still freezing."

She placed the jet on autopilot and sat next to me wrapping her arms around me rubbing my back trying to warm me up, it defiantly worked as I could feel my cheeks start to warm up from blushing.

Diana: "Turns out mine was a false one so I was sent to you as back up, good thing I got here when I did."

Y/N: "haha yeah good thing, thank you."

It was a bit awkward between us as we sat in silence and I shall tell you why. See after Diana recruited me we spent quite a bit of time together and of course, I developed feelings for her, so just a few days ago I decided to confess my feelings to her but got so nervous and excited that I ended up kissing her 'oh no Y/N you didn't.' Oh yeah I did, I was amazed that I didn't get my ass kicked because Diana was not a woman to be taken lightly, like at all. When I pulled back she just stood there with wide eyes and shock all over her face. So I did what any non-respectable man would do, I ran like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs. Yeah I know I know you don't have to lecture me. We didn't talk or see each other for the rest of the time until now.

Diana: "I'm sorry about avoiding you for the past few days, after the kiss I had to sit back and reevaluate some things."

Y/N: "No Diana I'm the one who is sorry, it was one of those heat of the moment thing's and I rushed into it instead of thinking it through.  I shouldn't have done..."

I was suddenly cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine, holy shit ball's  Wonder Women was actually kissing me, I couldn't believe it.

Diana: "I feel the same way, that's why I avoided you, So I could think it through if I read the kiss properly...unless I haven't then I should not have done that...um."

This time it was my turn to cut her off with a kiss, but this one was not an awkward one but a magical one.

Y/N: "Yes you read it right" I placed my hand on her cheek stroking it with my thumb as I looked into her eye's "but are you absolutely sure you want this because I do but if you aren't sure you need to back out now and I promise you I will not make it awkward and will go back to how we were. "

She put both of her hands on my cheeks and placed her forehead against mine

Diana: "Yes I am absolutely sure. So you got any room in those blankets for one more."

I opened the blankets and she scooted right in next to me snuggling into me, her body giving off heat that warmed me up pretty quickly. She set the jet on cruise mode so we could stay like that for some time until we got back to base. Man was I one really happy and really lucky guy.

(At first, I was going to add some physical description of wonder women but then I thought do you know what, screw it the reader can decide what version of wonder women is in this story, hope you enjoyed reading it.)

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