(Overwatch)-Ashe/Elizabeth Caledonia: All For One.

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A.N(I apologize for being so late with this one, I know I said I'd try to do one for new years but I failed to deliver and I do apologise again for that, between being busy with family and a sheer lack of motivation I was unsuccessful, however, the one-shot I did plan is still there I'll just save it for a different occasion. With all that out of the way I really hope you enjoy.)

Ashes Pov

I had reloaded my six-shooter, taking in a deep breath then letting it out, I adjusted my hat and secured my mask readying myself to jump into the chaos in this all-for-one battle, people slaughtering each other in a shootout. When I felt my mind clear a bit, I rushed out of my cover and started firing in all directions hitting people left right and centre. Projectiles flew past me as I reloaded, flipping open my six pieces I spun them down by my belt where the clips were with my ammunition I slipped them into the slots, I spun my clips then flipped them back into the guns and continued firing hitting people with pinpoint accuracy.

I had cleared the field before me and ran ahead, as I was doing so someone jumped from some brushes in an attempt to surprise me, too bad for him I was too quick. I shot him in his crotch first and he dropped onto his knees screaming in pain then popped one in his head. Knowing he was taken care of I continued forward where I found a male and female hiding at a crossroad with a small hill in the centre, I took cover in some brush on a slope to plan my next move, obviously, a couple who decided to team up. While trying to scheme how to take them out I lost focus and my foot slipped making a noise, they looked up taking notice of me. I reacted quickly and dashed forward, they brought up their rifles and started shooting trying to hit me.  Unfortunately for them, I was too quick, I ran for the hill when I got to the top I jumped flipping myself backwards, while I was in mid-air my body was strait but upside down taking quick aim I shot both of them square in the head tucking in my legs balanced myself upright landing I rolled forward to standing position. Dusting myself off I continued forward.

I heard a twig snap behind me, and I knew someone was trying once again to sneak up on me. I stopped in my tracks, I heard them slowly pulling the trigger, I ducked just in time as the shot went off flying just past my head, I spun around at the same time hitting the rifle out of a kid's hand. He dropped down into a sitting position, I slowly walked up to him reloading one at a time, he crawled back in a hurry trying to get away with fear in his eyes, he must have been about 12-13.

Kid: "Please miss, I'm sorry I din mean nothing by that, honest truth. I'm just a kid can't you let me go."

Ashe: "No can do kid, you know the rules of this game, no mercy and no survivors if you want to win. And I plan on winning."

I finished reloading, brought up my six-piece, cocked the hammer back and took aim. The kid stuck out his hand in fear

Kid: "WAIT!"

Boom right in between the eyes, the kid was down for the count the red staining his hair. I sighed then went looking for a specific target. Keeping my eye out I spotted a pair of leather boots going around a boulder, I'd recognise those pair anywhere, smiling I stalked the individual towards his direction. I got to the end of the boulder and spun quickly ready to take him out, alas when I did he was nowhere to be seen, that is when a bullet took my hat straight off of my head, I immediately retreated behind cover.

Y/N: "Ashe is that you?"

I pulled from cover taking a few shots at him, only for him to take cover.

Ashe: "The one and only darling."

He returned a few shots as I was behind the boulder.

Y/N: "Was wondering when you'd find me. "

Ashe: "Only a matter of time, see I knew out of everyone here you'd survive the longest besides me."

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