(RWBY)-Blake Belladonna:Of Runaways and Stowaways

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A.N(I don't really like creating a scene in cannon with my perspective, I try to create new ones for like behind the scene type of thing or you know those days that are usually skipped eg 'a week has passed' and then I would try to create my own scenario within that week, but anyway I'm rambling on. I suppose this is one of those exceptions, I just had an idea for this one and had to roll with it anyway hope you enjoy.)

After talking with the captain Blake took off her bow

Blake: "won't be needing this." letting fall into the ocean

Before she could walk away I jumped down from the deck above, she jumped back in surprise.

Y/N: " You know if you plan on running away, you could at least give your boyfriend a goodby kiss."

Blake: "Y/N what are you doing here? "

Y/N: "Did you really think that I was about to leave you to go off on your own and do Oum knows what, especially after what just happened at Beacon, no way in hell."

Blake: "Ag! I can't believe you followed me."

Y/N: "Can't believe I followed you? Blake, I'm your boyfriend, of course I'm going to follow you after a situation like that. What I cant believe is that you left me like that, I can't believe you left all of us like that! just poof! gone"

I dramatically throw my hands out trying to indicate a disappearing effect

Blake: "I don't think you would understand."

Y/N: "Maybe, maybe not, we won't know unless you tell me."

Blake: "I'm sorry Y/N I really don't want to talk about it now."

Y/N: "Arggg! MMMMM!" I throw my hands up dramatically while making frustrated noises "alright fine, fine I understand, you need time, you will tell me when you are ready."

She hesitantly took my hand probably afraid of how I would react, but I gladly accepted, It felt good just to touch her again.

Blake: "Thank you, even though I said I didn't want to talk I still appreciate the company." she said smiling at me

We didn't do much after that, just walked around occasionally holding hands and resting.

A few hours had passed the sun was setting its beautiful orange glow reflected off the water, I had left Blake to think for a bit I could tell she was not happy but I eventually decided to check up on her, I came around the corner when I saw her whip out her Shroud

Blake: "Who's there!"

Before I could find out what was happening I noticed something in the water. It rose up to reveal some kind of sea Grimm

Y/N: "Oh that's just great!"

Random sailor 1: "Red Alert!"

Blake and I made our way to the front of the ship.

Captin: "By the Gods!"

Rising to its full height it gave a loud raw.

Captain: "All hands to battle stations."

Random Sailor 2: "Sir we never fought a Grimm this big."

Captain: "We've never seen something this big, But we will give her a fight non the less."

Y/N: "I'll handle it from the ocean, you know being a Shark Faunas."

Blake gave an agreeing nod, I dove into the water with my spear. I swam as fast as I could but it was difficult fighting it as it was moving in and out of the water as well as keeping me at bay with its tail. Unfortunately at one point it had knocked me back so hard I dropped my spear. I heard a few canon shots from the water when I noticed that it disappeared from the sea, I surfaced my head above the water to see what was happening.

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