(Total Drama)-Courtney: Ordinary Family

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I woke up in the brisk morning next to the most beautiful women I know, my wife. She turned her head opening her eyes she smiled then stretched. Groaning out a good morning.

Courtney: "Morning."

Resting my head against my arm I looked into her brown eyes.

Y/N: "Morning beautiful."

Stretching out my other arm I flattened her bead head stroking her hair back. We hard a series of thumping noises rushing to our room. We both looked to the door sighing.

Courtney: "Well we both know what that means."

Y/N: "Yep."

The door burst open and a 6-year-old girl with short pigtail ran in jumping, in mid-air screaming

Linda: "Daddy!!!"

Landing straight onto my torso, our middle child

Y/N: "Oof! Morning sweetheart."

She tacked her mother next, Courtney gripped her and started tickling her ferociously. Linda was kicking and laughing.

Linda: "Hahaha, no mommy that tickles. "

When I looked up I saw leaning against the door rubbing her one eye, our oldest at 13 years old with bed hair like her mother. Yawning she said.

Kelly: "Danny is awake, I changed him and gave him a bottle, don't know how long it will keep him busy though."

Courtney got up from bed walking over to Kelly and wrapped her in a hug swinging from side to side.

Courtney: "You did all of that."

Kelly: "Mmmmm."

Courtney: "Well done I'm proud of you."

Kelly: "Thanks mom."

Courtney: "Right let me tend to your little brother."

Letting Kelly go she exits the room. Linda ran after her mother. Kelley walked over to the bed climbed into the sheets and snuggled up against me burying her face into my shirt, I wrapped arms around her.

Y/N: "Someone's tired."

Kelly: "mmm"

Y/N: "Not a morning person, just like your father."

Kelly: "You can say that again."

Y/N: "Haha, what were you doing late last night anyway? Talking to your boyfriend no dought."

Kelly: "Daaad, he's not my boyfriend."

Y/N: "haha ok ok."

She looked up at me with dark brown eyes similar to her mothers. I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Y/N: "Come on, time you get ready for school."

She tightened her arms around me.

Kelly: "Nooooo, I want to sleep more."

Y/N: "I know but you have to go to school, come I need to get your sister ready for school as well and take your brother from your mother so she can get ready for work."

Kelly: "mmmm ooook."

She reluctantly got up and want to her bedroom to get ready. I made my way towards Danny's room Courtney had just finished burping him, he put his arms out towards me,

Danny: "ah ah!"

Courtney: "Someone wants their daddy."

As she handed him to me he clung to my shirt.

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