(Total Drama)-Bridgette: After Haute Camp-ture

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A/N( AH! Bridgette The first Character I read in a Xmalereader insert and got addicted to these things, thanks to @LRDiazz)

It was a twilight evening, everyone was either past out or partying in their room's, well all except a certain surfer blond bombshell. I decided to take a stroll that night to clear my thoughts when I came across Bridgette sitting by the pool kicking the water with her feet. Bridgette and I bonded really well over the competition, So well that I developed a crush on her, I think she has a thing for Geoff though. I walked up and sat seat next to her.

Y/N: "Penny for your thoughts."

Bridgette: "mmmm, I was just thinking of what a crazy ride these few weeks have been."

Y/N: "Yeah tell me about it, especially today, it really sucks for Leshawna."

After saying Leshanas name I heard a ding and Mr narcissist Chris Maclaine popped out of the blue.

Chris: "And that was the final vote for Leshawna."

Y/N: "OH COME ON CHRIS! It's over, the votes numbered against her already, aren't you suppose to be getting her already.?"

Chris: "Oh we are about to."

He said with his sadistic chuckle and as quickly as he came he left. Looking over to Bridgette with a questionable look.

Y/N: " how does he do that? Just popes out of nowhere."

Bridgette shrugged her shoulders looking just as confused.

Y/N: "Well not really the issue now, I was wondering?"

She turned from the water to look at me, her green eyes shining from the reflection of the moon's light. They were so beautiful like sparkling diamonds, I was just so memorized.

Bridgette: "Uh, Y/N?

Hearing her voice I realized I was staring too long, I shook my head back and forth to snap out of it.

Y/N: "right sorry, your eye's are just so pretty I couldn't help but stare."

She turned away blushing

Y/N: "The question, I was wondering, what's going on with you and Geoff, you guys seem pretty close."

My hands started to sweat from my nerves shooting up and down in my body.

Bridgette: "Yeah he's a good friend."

Hearing that some of my anxiety turned to a little bit of  hope

Y/N: "Friends? As in just friends friends? Nothing more? No crushing or anything like that?"

I was getting a little too excited I needed to calm down.

Bridgette: "Y/N where are you going with this?"

She squinted her eyes looking at me suspiciously.

Y/N: "I know this is wired coming out of nowhere but could you please answer, for my sake."

Bridgette: "I did have a crush on him but, someone else came along that I wasn't expecting, someone I really connected with despite the many differences."

I rubbed my neck feeling a little confused, could this other person be me or not?

Y/N: "Ummm that other person wouldn't happen to be me? Coz if it is I was going to ask you out on a date after this. After spending so much time together I kinda developed a crush and well I don't know now... coz I really like you, man am I talking a lot or what? Few man is it hot out tonight, probably why my mouth feels so dry, is it me or am I very talkative tonight?"

I suddenly felt this body slam into me and clash of lips onto mine, I found myself laying on my back with Bridgette on top of me looking at me, you could say I was shocked.

Bridgette: "Yes you are the other person I was talking about and yes I would love to go on a date with you."

A large goofy grin was plastered on my face. I was also a little confused as in what to do now.

Y/N: "sooooo, ummm, what now?"

I heard a cute giggle come from Bridgette, she stood up and offered a hand.

Bridgette: "why don't we grab something to eat."

Y/N: "sounds like a plan."

I took her hand and she pulled me up, we interlocked our fingers and made our way to the buffet area. I officially had a girlfriend awesome!

(Shorter than my most recent uploads but does the trick. Hope you enjoy.)

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