(Diablo 3)- Leah: A Wonderful Dream.

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(Should have added this the first time, warning slight nudity ahead.)

It was a late-night yet the party was still going, the fire's lit up the tavern with a bright orange glow as the boar roasted on the pit its delicious aroma reached through the entire establishment, much talk, laughter and merrymaking shook the tavern as people were having fun. In the kitchen was Y/N working hard at cooking for the hungry travellers, adventures, merchants and townsfolk. Behind the bar counter serving drinks was his beautiful wife Leah. She had finally realized her dream of opening up a tavern and it came out even better than she expected. Y/N realized his dream, married to the love of his life and spending every day with her. Poping her head around the kitchen door.

Leah: "Another order for tye boar dressing, and two roasted sausages."

Y/N: "On it!"

Leah: "the tavern is really busy tonight love."

Y/N: "Yeah tell me about it, people are going all out tonight."

Leah: "They certainly having fun tonight."

It certainly was a busy night the orders just kept coming in over and over and so much ale was drunk that the coffers were almost dry.

Leah: "Love there is a small brawl breaking out."

Y/N: 'sigh' "I'll sort it out."

Y/N stepped out seeing two of the men arguing over something he stepped in to try and figure out the problem.

Y/N: "Alright what's going on here?"

Man 1: "Basterd knocked over my drink and refuses to pay."

Man 2: "I told you man it was an acceded, he's so drunk that he didn't even let me finish before he started yelling at me."

Man 1: "why you prick."

Throwing his arm over both of them he pulled them in close.

Y/N: "Alright alright tell you what I'll buy you both a drink on me how does that sound."

Man 1: "no way we can ask that from you, your one of the heroes who defeated the prime evils."

Y/N: "you're not asking, I'm offering, AS A MATTER OF FACT" he shouted to the entire tavern "NEXT ROUND OF DRINKS ARE ON ME!"

A loud cheer went up. Man 2 lifted his mug shouting out.


Another loud cheer went up as Y/N walked over to the counter where Leah was.

Leah: "Well done handling that, just so you know that is coming out of you pay."

Y/N: "You mean our pay!"

She just gave him a look

Y/N: "Yes dear."

Y/N leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek. She playfully smacked him.

Leah: " I think we should get back to work."

Y/N: "Only if you give me a proper kiss."

Rolling her eye's she looked at him, smiling she leaned over giving him a peck on the lips. Laughing Y/N went back to the kitchen to carry on cooking.

Time skip brought to you by a chibby Y/N slicing a demon in half with his battle axe.

Later in the night when practically all the customers went home, the couple started to clean up the tavern and close up.

Leah: Love! Old man Ross is passed out again."

Seeing the old man laying on the table Y/N sighed walking over to him lifting him to support him.

Y/N: " Come on old man time to get you home."

Y/N helped Old man Ross down the street to his home unlocking the door he took him to his bed and laid him down.

Ross: "Thanks Y/N, you know you're a good kid" He gently tapped Y/N on the cheek "you remind me of my son."

Chuckling Y/N left the old man to rest and walked back to the tavern. Stepping into the tavern he saw Leah wiping some tables clean

Leah: "Every single morning."

Y/N: "Give him a break love he did lose his son to demons."

Leah: " I know I know" she walked up to him wrapping her arms around his waist, " I think we need to get some rest ourselves."

Y/N: "Agreed."

They shared a passionate kiss.

Time skip brought to you by a chibbie Y/N playing cards with a chibbie Leah.

Y/N awoke during the night, placing his arm to where Leah would be he felt nothing, looking up he saw her sitting by the desk the window open, the light of the moon shone through making her naked body glowing from its radiance.

Leah: "I miss him."

Y/N: "I miss him too, Deckard was old yet wise, he gave me advice that would last a lifetime, he was a good friend."

Leah: "Thank you for being there with me, and helping me with his passing."

Y/N: "Always, now come back to bed."

Y/N lifted the sheets, smiling she got up and walked over climbing under them, holding one another in their arms and intertwining their legs together they held onto one another their warm body's interlocking as they snuggled. Looking up at her husband she stared into his E/C eyes.

Leah: "I will always love you, you know that."

Y/N: "I know."

With a sad smile, she said

Leah: "Darling you need to wake up."

Frowning Y/N just looked at her.

Y/N: "what are you talking about?"

Leah: "Wake up love, wake up now. Y/N wake up."

The Mage Li-Ming was shaking him awake. His eye's shot open as his upper body jumped up. Deep sadness covered his heart as he realized it was just a dream. Diablo had used her body as a vessel... so far as they knew it... she was lost.

Li-Ming: "Hay what's wrong?"

Y/N: "A dream about Leah."

Li-Ming: "I'm sorry Y/N, know that you are not suffering alone, she was a friend to all of us. We will kill the prime evil and get Adriana too. You will have vengeance."

Y/N: "The moment I find that Bitch Adriana, I'll kill her myself."

Li-Ming stretched her hand out to him, he took it as she helped lift Y/N up, she gave Y/N an awkward hug trying to comfort him, she wasn't used to that intersection. But he gladly accepted it, Y/N realized that It was devastating losing Leah and hard but he could keep going, he could keep living. because he had friend's, he had a family to help him get through, he would carry on for their sakes. Lifting up his battle axe... he was ready to slay some demons.

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