(Fate Series)-Medusa Part 2: Not Such A Monster

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Two weeks passed that she would often come sit and eat but instead of silence, we would talk. I would tell her about my life on the farm and what it was like with my father as well as some of the adventures I had and the tasks I did for the pantheon. She would talk about her life before all of this and sometimes would bring up her older sisters. I slowly got closer and closer to her. One night I went out to get some water I bent over to dip the pot when I felt a presence behind me, I spun quickly sickle in hand to see two identical-looking girls next to one another. They both had light purple hair in pigtails and light purple eyes.

Y/N: "Stheno and Euryale I assume."

Stheno: "You should leave."

Euryale: "She will curse you."

Setgeno: "You are fortunate to not have been turned to stone yet."

Euryale: "This is no place for you."

Y/N: "Why do you care? I am no one to you."

Setgeno: "It is her we fear for."

Euryale: "Now she may only be petrifying those for defence, but there is a darkness in her that is manifesting by her loneliness, she will come to enjoy it in time."

Setgeno: "You being here will give her hope and when that hope is taken away it will only plunge her further into said darkness."

Y/N: "That's rich coming from you, you who followed her to this isle only to leave her to her own devices, sisters who claim to love her yet give her a hard time. Why not go to her then? Take her from her solitude, comfort her."

Euryale: "It is her who isolated herself from us."

Y/N: "Then go after her."

Setgeno: "We have tried but failed we can not force her. She must choose of her own will."

Y/N: "Well then I think I will stay."

Euryale & Setgeno: "Then you are doomed."

They faded into the forest. I reached down to feel a pouch next to me. Sighing to myself

Y/N: "Right I suppose I should contact mother and give this to her."

I took the golden drachma she gave me and tossed it into the water. A burst of golden light and she appeared before me.

Demeter: "Dame it boy what took you so long? You are playing a very dangerous game with this one. Leave now the other gods will not be distracted forever."

Y/N: "Distracted?"

Demeter: "They are preoccupied with other matters."

Y//N: "Which is why you took the opportunity to send me now."

Demeter: "Yes but that no longer matters take my hand that we may go."

She stretched out her hand towards me.

Y/N: "I wish to stay."

Demeter: "What? Are you mad?"

Y/N: "I wish to stay and gaze upon her eye's."

Demeter: "You will be turned to stone."

Y/N: "Not if I have your blessing, it will be possible to look directly in her eyes."

Demeter: "Absolutely not."

Y/N: "My lady please."

Demeter: "I SAID NO!"

I felt a sudden pressure press down on me, her power illuminated the area. I flinched at the sudden outburst.

Y/N: "You know, when I discovered you were my mother I got all excited and overjoyed. I wasn't angry or disappointed, I never felt like you abandoned me. I was happy to finally get the chance to discover what it felt like to have a mother. Even when it turned out I was more of a servant than a son to you always being sent on errands, I was still happy just to be by you, knowing that I could please you by doing these tasks I know I could earn your love. If you want me to beg I will beg, I will fall on my knees and plead. If there is any ounce of love you have for me as a son, grant me this one boon."

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