(DOTA Dragons Blood)-Luna: Night Watch.

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A night sky, the stars bright, a cool breeze, and surprisingly soft grass I sat on sharpening my sword on a whetstone. I was on watch keeping a lookout to make sure that no enemy would sneak past our lines. I saw her figure sneak up from behind me a few meters away, she made no sound and was silent as a mouse but that would not work on me. I allowed her to get close, she drew her double blade and swung it at my neck leaving a small cut, at the same time I thrusted my blade backward to her neck stopping mere inches away from it without turning around.

Y/N: "Saw your figure a while back General."

Luna: "You're sharper than I expected, That's good, at least I know no one will get past you."

And there was that voice of hers, by the gods her accent just sent warm shivers up and down my spine. I kept my stoic face careful not to let her onto my emotions.

Y/N: "What would the General of the army be doing here by a lowly lookout."

We both dropped our blade, I went back to sharpening mine.

Luna: "I was doing my rounds making sure everyone was doing their job."

Y/N: "Well I hope I have lived up to your expectations."

Luna: "More so in fact, may I sit."

Y/N: "You are my superior, you should do as you please."

Luna: "If you do not wish my company, I will be glad to carry on with my other duties."

Y/N: "Now I never said that."

Luna: "Then just agree for me to sit, instead of giving me vague answers."

I gestured with my hand for her to sit in the spot right next to me. She dropped down on the said spot. She pulled out a small flask, opened it, took a swig then offered it to me.

Luna: "Figured you could use a pick me up."

I took her up on the offer and took a quick sip. The bitter yet sweet taste of alcohol ran down my throat warming me up slightly. I handed it back.

Y/N: "Thanks."

Luna: "You seem a little troubled, what's wrong."

Y/N: "Out of all the people I can hide my emotions from, you seem to be the one I can't fool."

Luna: "Nope I can read you like a book."

And that was one of the things I loved about her, she was the only one who could see me, not the first time she stopped to converse with me like this, and each time she did we got closer. I gazed at the hills, then pointed around to each one.

Y/N: "See these hills here, I used to stand here as a little boy and dream of what the world had to offer, the Forrest behind us, My little sister and I used to explore them all the time in our youth."

Luna: "This village we are currently camping at, it was your home."

Y/N: "At one point it was. That house you see closest to the river, used to be where I slept, where my father taught me what it meant to be a man, and where my mother used to sing lullabies to us."

Luna: "A lot of memories in this place that you hold dear."

Y/N: "and nightmares."

Luna: "What happened,"

Y/N: "Bandits, raided one night and killed my father and my mother, My sister and I escaped only for her to die of disease later."

Luna: "I see, you had it rough."

I could see her fidgeting pushing her hands on the ground, this told me she wanted to move closer to me but was unsure. A general who could decapitate an enemy and make it look like art, this was part of who she was, a romantic who knew how to be intimate, definitely not. It was a bit of a surprise really, someone as tough and strong as her was trying to be soft. I decided to make the first move, and well move closer. Our fingers brushed and she looked away but did not move her hand and neither did I.

Y/N: "We've all had some rough spots, some worse than others true but we've all had some pain to suffer, part of living in this world."

Eager to change the subject I said

Y/N: "At least we can revel in a bit of victory after today's battle."

Luna: "You really proved yourself today, the way you took charge of the battlefield was worthy of an officer. Last time I asked about your position our conversation was cut short. Would you care to tell me why you were demoted to a mere footsoldier?"

Y/N: "A squabble with a high Duke over something stupid, I ended up hitting him, Due to my high position he couldn't just behead me, so he cunningly got me demoted and put me on the front lines hoping I would have died. Ha! Proved him wrong."

Luna: "You are really not one for conversation, you keep it short and to the point."

Y/N: "I just don't see the point of adding unessesery details."

Luna: "Still it would be nice to learn more about you."

Y/N: "I'm right here, you can ask me anything."

Luna: "I will definitely do that in the future but about your position, I'll see to it that you get promoted to your old rank."

Y/N: "Thank you, but don't."

Luna: "You were given an injustice, let me help you get..."

I quickly laced my fingers with hers catching her off guard then looked directly at her.

Y/N: "Don't get me wrong, I really do appreciate the help and concern, and I can promise you I'll take you up on that offer at a later time. But right now I have a plan in motion that requires me where I am."

Luna: "And what plan is that?"

Y/N: "I'll have to see how this part plays out first, but I promise I'll tell you after, so at least for now, please no interference."

She nodded her head then stood up still holding my hand.

Luna: "Very well. I have to head back, my tent will be open, Come visit me when your shift is over, looks like it will be a cold night, I could use the extra warmth in my bed."

I kissed the top of her hand. Might have been my eyes but I could have sworn I saw a hint of red on her face.

Y/N: "You can count on that."

She got up and walked off towards the camp and I went back to sharpening my sword eagerly awaiting for my shift to be relieved, I couldn't help but smile.

Y/N: "So she basically invited me into her bed, this is going to be interesting."

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