(RWBY)-Weiss Schnee:Warm Bodies

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The cold rain drenched us as we ran. The mud slushing beneath our feet trying to get away from the coming Grimm. Our bodies exhausted and semblance spent after fighting a hoard earlier. We thought we wone on our assignment, little did we know that the intel was wrong and there was roughly three times the amount of Grimm in the area. It just being Weiss and I made it worse, I'm just glad we were able to grab an opportunity to run through a gap in their force's. I was in front when I heard her slip onto her knees. I spun around sliding towards her.

Y/N: "Come on we have to move."

Weiss: "I can't, my legs they can't take it anymore."

I placed both my hands on her cheeks and adjusted her head to face me looking deep into her light blue eyes. Sweeping her wet pale white hair from her eye's.

Y/N: "We aren't too far from HQ we can make it. You can make it, you have to we have a lot of Grimm on our asses."

Weiss: "I'm sorry Y/N but I'm spent. I honestly can't move my legs, they are too numb."

I couldn't blame her, I was also out of energy, my legs were shaking ready to collapse themselves from so much running, I had enough for one last-ditch effort in case of extreme emergencies. Cursing our situation I gazed back and forth looking through the thick rain. I saw an archway to an old mine on an uphill slope. My gaze shifted to the forest next to us and fell onto a dead bird. An idea hit me, if I could divert the incoming Grimm in the opposite direction with the last bit of my semblance, we can take refuge until the storm goes over.

Y/N: "Right, it's ok I have an Idea. There's an old mine over there, we can take shelter over there I have a way to draw them off if it works, do you have enough energy to make it to the mine."

Weiss: "You'll face them by yourself? Are you mad you can't. You'll die."

Y/N: "I need you to trust me. They are just behind us and if we do nothing we are both dead and I won't have you dying on me. Now can you make it?"

She struggled to get up with wobbly legs but was able to do so. Looking at me with fearful eye's.

Weiss: "Yeah I can make it."

Y/N: "That's my strong girl. I'll be right behind you."

Weiss: "You better be."

She kissed me on my forehead before wobbling off to the mine. I watched her disappear into the entrance. Wobbling up to the bird I stuck my hands out to it. My Semblance was one I was not proud of, one that I rarely used. Decay was its name basically anything I willed would do as the name suggests as long as my hands were in close proximity. Knowing that they were probably tracking us by scent I was hoping I could rot the dead bird to such an extent that the smell would overwhelm our scent. I poured what last bit I had into the bird to find it a success. I gaged at the putrid smell filling my nostrils quickly covering my nose. I threw it into the middle of the path hastily hiding in some nearby bushes.

A few seconds after I heard the sounds of growls and grants just up ahead. A pack of beow wolfs rushed forward the one ahead slowed down and started to sniff the muddy ground.

Y/N: "Come on take the bait."

It came closer to the dead bird sniffing it intently, popping its head up it looked back and forth, sniffed the air then let out a howl, the rest of the pack followed suit. They turned on their heels and ran back the way they came. I gave a heavy relieved sigh, waited a few moments just to be sure. Feeling comfortable I made my way the mine struggling up the slope after using the last bit of my semblance.
As I got inside I found Weiss on the ground curled up shaking, a small lit old school lamp next to her. Noticing me she jumped up hugging me.

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