(Naruto) - Sakura Haruno: Bed Side

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POV Sakura

He laid on the medical bed slowly bleeding out as I sat on my knees my hands over his torso using my chakra control trying to keep him stable. The medical team rushed him down the corridor through the doors when the 5th Hokage herself walked into the room.

Tsunade: "What the hell happened?"

Sakura: "A large lance pierced his side. Tearing and rupturing his organs and kidneys. I've stabilized him but he's lost a lot of blood."

Tsunade: "Right, you've done well but it's time I take over and you to leave."

Sakura: "But Lady Tsunade I can help, let me assist in mending him."

Tsunade: "I know how you feel about him but you are still in training Sakura this is a bit out of your reach. Do you trust me?"

Sakura: "Lady Tsunade?"

Tsunade: "Do you trust me?"

Sakura: "Yes."

Tsunade: "Then let me do my job."

I looked at him then I looked at her. I hesitantly took my hands away, I kissed his cheek.

Sakura: "Just come back to me."

I stepped out into the hall I placed my back against the wall then dropped down. I sat with my arms leaning on my knees my head slumped the tears rolled down my face. I don't know how long I sat there, minutes, hours? I just remember Naruto and Sai rushing down the hall asking me if he was ok just before Lady Tsunade came out, the moment she did I shot up to my feet looking at her expectantly.

Tsunade: "He's stable and recovering quickly."

I dropped my head and placed my hand on her shoulder a heavy sigh escaped my lips.

Naruto: "Well that's good, glad to hear."

Sakura: "Thank you. Thank you so much."

She placed her hand on my shoulder

Tsunade: "It's best to leave him be for now let's go to my office and get that rapport."

I nodded, when we got back we stood in front of her desk as she faced the window looking out over the village, her back turned to us.

Tsunade: "Now tell me how this happened."

Sakura: "We got the intel you needed but the enemy shinobi discovered us. They chased us down as we tried to flee but they caught up, so we engaged in battle. Y/N took imidate charge of the battle, unfortunately, one of the enemies had earth Jutsu and launched an earth lance at me while I was engaged with another opponent. However, Y/N saw this and... and he was able to push me out of the way taking the hit. He was able to push them away with his wind Jutsu before he collapsed, I immediately started first aid on him."

Naruto: "Sai and myself were able to hold them off, He tried to push us on telling us to abandon him and finish the mission but we refused."

Sie: "That is when the backup you sent just arrived to help."

Sakura: "I left with Kiba and Akamaru in a rush with Y/N to get here."

Sie: "With the help of Shino and Hinata we were able to defeat the enemy and return with the intel."

He placed the scroll on her table she turned to face us.

Tsunade: "I see, I expect a full written report later, but for now go home and get some rest. Especially you Sakura."

Sakura: "But Lady Tsunade I need to be by his side."

She walked over and placed her hands on my shoulders.

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