(Re: Zero)-Ram: Sick Day

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A.N(somewhat got the plot idea from someone else.)

I gazed at the stars from my bed out the window. My temperature still at a high. My nose stuffy and dripping snot. As I pondered on the silliest of things. The door opened and a pink hair, red-eyed beauty walked in holding a tray with soup and medicine on it. She walked over sitting on the bed next to me. With a straight face and monotone voice, she brought up a tissue placing it against my nose.

Ram: "Blow."

And so I did, She then proceeded to take the soup and feed me. She brought to spoon to my mouth.

Ram: "Eat."

I did as told.

Y/N: "You know I'm old enough to feed myself and blow my own nose. You don't have to mother me so much."

Ram: "I don't trust you enough to take care of yourself, especially in this condition, you're too irresponsible."

Y/N: "It's just the case of the flu, it's not like it's some incurable disease. If I didn't know any better I'd say you are just using this as an excuse to spend more time with me."

Ram: "Shut up and eat."

She brought more soup to my mouth and I gladly accepted. When I was finished eating she placed her forehead against mine.

Ram: "Mmmmm temperature is still high."

After the analysis, she grabbed the liquid medicine, one that I dreaded.

Y/N: "Yeah I think I'm good, already starting to feel better."

Ram: "And this is why I don't trust you to look after yourself. You refuse to take medicine that will speed up your recovery. Now take it!"

She shoved it closer to my mouth. I leaned back with my mouth closed shaking my head. She stared daggers at me a menacing aura surrounding her being.

Ram: "I swear I will tie you down to this bed and force it down your throat."

I gulped them opened my mouth she slipped the spoon in filling my mouth with some of the most bitter disgusting-tasting medicine I've ever had. It almost made me gag.

Y/N: "Oh my god that is just nasty. I could puke at this point."

Ram: "Stop being a baby. Now for the last bit."

She reached for a glass container that seemed to hold some sort of gel-like substance.

Y/N: "And that?"

Ram: "Chest ointment, now unbutton your top pyjamas."

As soon as she said that I had a bit of a coughing fit.

Y/N: "Really you are actually allowing me to do something, you've been donning on me so that I figured you would have done it. "

Ram: "If you are going to whine about it I'll do it then."

She reached for my top.

Y/N: "No, no it's fine I can do it."

And so I did, exposing my chest.

Ram: "Now laydown."

After doing so she opened the jar heaping two fingers full of the gel and placed it on my chest. I felt a chill as it made contact with my skin.

Y/N: "Hahaaaaa thats cold."

Ram: "You really are full of complainants tonight aren't you, you're like an old woman."

She started to rub the ointment in. It didn't take long for it to warm up. Her soft hands moving in a gentle circular motion. It felt really good almost like a massage. I stared at her face while she continued to rub in the ointment. Looking at how pretty she was as well as thinking about the situation, just the way she was looking after me just always being there. It tugged at my heart making it skip with joy, it felt as though Ram was holding my heart with her warm soft hands cuddling it as if it were her favourite teddy.

Y/N: "You're so gorgeous."

Ram: "Yes I am adorable."

I placed my hand over hers

Y/N: "I'm serious Ram, you are absolutely beautiful. I would kiss you now if it weren't for this flu"

She looked at me with her big red eye's, a slight smirk on her lips. She moved her hand to my cheek.

Ram: "Thank you."

She leaned in to give me a kiss on the forehead.

Ram: "Now get some rest."

She buttoned my top, gathered what was there and left the room. The medicine started to kick in and I fell into a dark sleep. I awoke the next day just as the dawn broke through.
My throat soothed, nose cleared, temperature down and no snot pouring out. I felt something pressing against me, when I lifted the sheet to see what it was, I was caught by the sight of a pink hired maid snoozing next to me. She was wearing blue pyjamas the same colour as her sister's hair. She stirred awake rubbing her eye looking up at me.

Ram: "I see you are feeling better."

Smiling I wrapped my arms around her pulling her in close, she returned the favour.

Y/N: "All thanks to you. I am one lucky guy."

Ram: "For having someone as adorable as myself love you? Yes, you are... It's time I get up to do some work."

I squeezed my arms around her a little tighter.

Y/N: I am sure the boss won't mind if you stay a little longer. "

Ram: "Mmm your right."

And so we spend a few more minutes like that before heading off for the day.

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