(Fate)-Rin Tohsaka: Another Servent

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A.N( So far this is my longest one in one go, I thought about making a two-parter but thought screw it let's just finish it. You will also mostly be referred by a different title Y/N will only pop up once in a while, So I hope it doesn't overwhelm you and doesn't feel too rushed. Hope you enjoy it.)

It had been a few years after the last holy grail war, she had become a valuable member of the mage association at the London Clock Tower as one of their best operatives, which is why she was sent to investigate a cult that was rumored to be performing human sacrifices. When she arrived at the location it was proven true, they were trying to fill a lesser grail with mana quickly, sad to say she was discovered and had to fight her way throughout the Castel. She was able to take out most of the splinter group. While being pursued she found herself in a large underground room at the bottom of the Castel, it was dimly lit but Rin could still make out ancient artifacts such as swords, shields, spears, painted pottery, decorated tapestries, old books and old manuscripts. As she passed all the displays one of the cultists surprised her from the back tripping her over a vase breaking it and cutting herself, a manuscript falling out and her blood spilling on it. Out of mana she crawled back looking for anything to defend herself.

Cultist: "Glory be to Dagon our salvation."

As the crazed cultist was about to bring down the dagger a blue glow enveloped the room. Before anyone realized what was happening a flash of light hit the head of the cultist with such force that it ripped off their head an arrow pinning it against the wall blood spilling everywhere and spraying on Rin

Rin: "Nice!"

???: "May the Creator guide my hand that thy enemies would know thy true glory."

Rin looked at the figure making his way to her he was tall with long H/C hair, he knelt down bowing his head.

Archer: "Master you have called me forth, I am here to serve as you see fit."

She was confused to the sudden appearance of the servent right by her, looking down on her hand she saw she had 3 command seals confirming that she had indeed without intention summoned a servant.

Rin: "How? There was no proper ritual."

Archer: "The entire room has an ancient summoning circle underneath it, and that parchment you are holding with your bloody hand is my catalyst, the lesser grail nearby is also a factor, your subconscious called out for help when you were endanger summoning me."

Rin got up a dusted herself off opening and closing her cut hand wincing at the slight sting from the cut. Archer looked up and gently took her hand wrapping the cut in a torn cloth.

Rin: "It can't be, another holy war so soon? Just like the previous one."

Archer: "If I may answer that master."

Rin: "You are much more obedient than my previous servant and much more polite, and by the looks of your attire and weapon you are of the archer class" she put her hands on her hips and slumped her head sighing "I can't believe I summoned another archer."

He looked at her waiting for her to give permission to give an answer.

Rin: "Yes you may speak, and you may speak more freely in the future, it didn't stop you with the first question now did it."

Archer: "Thank you master, The other factor that was part of my summoning was the lesser grail, it was filled with enough power to call forth a servant. So I personally believe that it has nothing to do with the war at least not still for a few years."

Rin: "That still doesn't make sense why you were summoned now."

Archer: "Weather there is a war or not I am at the ready for whenever a Mage summons me intentionally or not."

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