(Dragon Age Inquisition)-Female Elf Lavellan: SkyHold

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A.N(So decided to try something different, went with a sort of Original Character, it's one of my Custome Characters from my favourite game series. I gave her the name Sage but she will mostly be referred to as the Inquisitor like in the game. Also, excuse the pic it was the best I could do for now. 'scratch that pic won't upload properly apologies'

Got It sorted I keep making the same mistake, I keep forgetting to keep in mind the size of the Pic or Gif, Once again sorry for the quality.)

T.R (Translation, or roughly translated)

No dreams this night, I was taken by the void, nothing but silence and peace, that was until it was disturbed but a rustling next to me and the sounds of muffled pain. When the realization of being awake came to my attention I opened my eye's to the sight of Sage gripping her arm that the mark laid upon. Its green light flickering as it moved ever further up her arm damaging it more. Her body shivering and in a cold sweat from the pain.

Y/N: "Shit, what's wrong?"

Inquisitor: "It hurts."

She winced saying this through gritted teeth as she slightly gripped her arm tighter. I sat up wrapping my arms around her pulled her against my body. She adjusted herself to sit between my spread legs leaning onto my body. With my arms wrapped around her, I placed one hand over her good one one that held the marked arm I buried my face into her neck. Then I did the only thing I could think of, I prayed.

Y/N: "I thank you, almighty Maker, for your mercy upon this soul and your comfort upon this arm."

After that she seemed to have eased, her breathing became lighter more relaxed, her grip fell from her arm, she no longer shivered and her face seemed more at peace.

Sage: "Thank you for always being by my side."

She said just before exhaustion took over and she drifted back to sleep in my arms. I laid her down to a more comfortable position before I too allowed the darkness to take over. The morning suns light woke me from my slumber, I looked to see Sage peacefully asleep her blond hair loose from its usual ponytail. I stroked her cheek smiling at the beautiful woman before me. Her eye's fluttered open revealing beautiful bright green eye's, when she saw me she smiled.

Inquisitor: "Morning."

Y/N: "Morning."

Inquisitor: "I should get up."

I could see she was drifting in and out of sleep, she was still tired, not that I could blame her as she has been working hard of late, leading an attire army, trying to keep peace between factions, attempting to make political connections as well as fighting on the front lines herself all in an attempt to battle a crazed ancient magister who is a darkspawn. All of that stress heaved upon her shoulders, I don't even want to imagine.

Y/N: "No, you need to rest, you've been busy too much, the lack of sleep is getting to you, you should recover your energy."

She started to sit up.

Inquisitor: "There's still plenty to do, I don't have time."

I placed my hands on her shoulders.

Y/N: "Make the time love, rest isn't a privilege like most people think, rest is a necessity. How how do you think I function so well huh? I understand the importance of needing to have your body recover. So I sleep when I can and take at least an hour or two of downtime. So please before you die from overwork, rest for today let the other's take over duty for a bit, this is why you have companions."

I looked pleadingly in her eye's. There was a few moment's of silence before she sighed.

Inquisitor: "Ma nuvenin vhenan , for the simple fact that it is you who asks this of me."

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