My lover they hate 2: Fresh x pj's sister

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(y/n)'s POV

After mom rudely kicked Mr. Fresh in the face, I gave him an ice pack. "Thank you dudette." He said making my soul flutter. His glasses read thank you. 'They must say what he's thinking.' I thought. "Hey, how about we exchange numbers to keep in touch?" Asked. "That would be todes cool." Mr. Fresh replied as his glasses read 'sweet.' I ran upstairs to get my phone. When I came back, mom was shaking Mr. Fresh saying "Alright what have you done to my baby?! Did you make her drink something?! How dare you!" He yelled as Mr. Fresh's glasses read 'Stop.'  "Mom, let go of our guest." I said. She hesitantly dropped him. Mr. Fresh got up as I walked over to him. "Alright, let's exchange phone numbers." I said proudly. Jammy was just in the background watching proudly. After we exchanged phone numbers, he had to leave.

Fresh's POV

I can't believe I got her phone number! This is just the next step to getting her, but what about Ink? He knows what I am. What if tells (y/n) before I do?! I'll never live with myself knowing my crush and only friend hates me! I started to panic. That is until my phone buzzed. It was a message from (y/n).

Unknown user- sorry about my mom Mr. Fresh.

I changed her name to kawaii girl before texting back.

Fresh- No worries yo.

Kawaii girl- Okay. Well I have to go to bed, Goodnight.

Fresh- Goodnight.

I put phone phone and laid in bed. 'Well guess I'll have to worry about that tomorrow.' I thought going to sleep.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was in the living with dad watching this TV show, when mom got in front of the TV holding the drawings and doodles of Mr. Fresh. "What is the meaning of this?" He asked. I blushed of embarrassment, but I was also nervous. "Um, I was drawing and.... Oh I can't help it I love him!" I said. "You can't love him!" Mom shouted "Why not?!" I asked. "Cause-" suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Please be Mr. Fresh wanting to ask me out!' I mentally opening the door. Only to see a package that was labeled to me. I picked it up and opened it to see... A cool scarf. It was pink that faded into yellow at the end. I squealed looking at who it was from. "Oh Mr. Fresh, you're my love for life." I mumbled so mom wouldn't hear. "Who's that from?" Mom asked. "I-it's from n-no one." I stuttered slowly walking upstairs. Mom looked at me suspiciously as dad just looked at TV with a lazy grin on his face.

I went up to my room and close the door. "Who's the scarf from (n/n)? Mr. Fresh, your lover?" Jammy asked sitting on my bed. "Yeah, he's so sweet." I coed getting comfy. Suddenly I saw my phone buzzing with messages from Mr. Fresh.

Fru fru- Hey (y/n). Did you get the scarf I made for you?

Fru fru- Hello?

Fru fru- Are you there? Do you hate me?!

I looked at the texts before answering.

(Y/n)- No I would never hate you.

(Y/n)- Was in the living room and left my phone in my room. The scarf a little big, but I still love.

Fru fru- That's a relief. I thought the scarf would cover your whole face.

(Y/n)- Luckily it didn't swallow me whole. Anyways I was wondering if you and me can hang out today?

Fru fru- Of course let's meet by the water fountain at the park.

(Y/n)- Ok.

I stopped texting and shoed Jammy out "Get out I have to dress." I grunt soon after closing the door. I put on a blue overall skirt with a rainbow shirt and white tennies. I put the scarf back on and went out through the back door, so I wouldn't get caught by mom.

Time skip 0^0

I waited by to water fountain humming a toon. "Yo, (y/n)!" I heard Fresh yell. He ran over to me as I smiled at him. "Hey, Mr. Fresh. Why did you want to meet by the water fountain?" I asked in hopes he would asked me out.

No one's POV

"Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the carnival with me?" Fresh asked as he scratched the back of his skull. His glasses read 'please say yes' and (y/n), being a derp, ((y/n)-Hey!] T.b- It's true.) Didn't see it. "Sure." She replied. "Okay, brace yourself." Fresh said as he teleported. (Y/n) got queasy and dizzy holding her stomach. "Sorry." Fresh apologized. "It's okay. My dad does that when he's in a hurry." (Y/n) explained.

Soon after they went on rides and played games. Winning stuffed animals in the process, but the ferris wheel was last. He wanted to confess there. Tell her everything. He just hoped she wouldn't freak out about him being a parasite.

As Fresh and (y/n) got on the ferris wheel, (y/n) tightly held Fresh's hands in fear she would fall. The rides started as (y/n) tightly closed her eyes. Fresh looked at her with a worried look. "Hey, you okay?" He asked "I-it's just t-that... I'm afraid of heights and dogs." She confessed. (T.b-She has a weird aphobia just like cil.) Hey it's okay. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." Fresh reassured. (Y/n) looked up at Fresh who gave her a reassuring look. (Y/n) slowly looked up seeing the beautiful night sky. "Wow." She gasped. Fresh took of his glasses, so you wouldn't know what he was thinking. "Hey (y/n)... Would you hate me if... I told you that I am a parasite?" He asked holding his breath. (Y/n) turned around seeing his beautiful pupils. "Of course not." She replied as Fresh let out his breath. "Good cause I thought you wouldn't love me after I told you." Fresh mumbled. He slipped up. "Wait, you love me?" (Y/n) asked in excitement and shock. "W-well I-I mean..." Fresh trailed off before sighing. "Yes. I love you." He said looking at her lovingly. "Mr. F-Fresh, I d-do-" suddenly fireworks went off in the sky catching (y/n) off gaurd. Fresh took that moment to kiss her. (Y/n) was surprised at first, but melted into the kiss.

Bonus ^•^

PJ and Cil took a picture looking at it. "She's growing up so fast." Cil said dramatically as PJ patted his back. "She had to grow up sooner or later." He said.

When (y/n) got home, she announced that Fresh was her boyfriend and Ink had no choice, but to except that.

(T.b-This was so long.] Outer- you so lazy.)

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