I am a star 3: Shattered Dream x star reader

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As I followed the singing and fireflies, the dining got louder and the star sanses voices was nowhere close to me. The singing became shaky and was slowly decending making me walk a little faster. The singing the stopped completely causing me to panic, but the fireflies still lead the way.

I then spotted a dim light behind a tree. I bent down hugging the small girl who flinched in surprise. "...Sh-Shatter, I don't wanna be here anymore." Y/n said sniffling. "Me neither, let's go." I said picking her up and making a portal.

Time skip

We had finally made it to the star temples. They have everything a star can ever need or want. I grabbed another map to get a closer view of the town... I would love for us to settle here. I pointed up a hill which had a shrine. "We have to go up there." I stated. Y/n sighed looking up at me. "I'm... I'm not sure if I wanna do this." She said. "Why, why not?" I asked and Y/n hugged me. "Cause I wanna stay here with you... I love you." She said. I couldn't take it anymore, I lightly grabbed her Face and kissed her. She kissed back making me relieved. Breaking the kissed I noticed glowing butterflies surrounding us and a balled monk approached us. "We are grateful for having you both here, please, take his book and enjoy your stay." He said getting out of our way.

Y/n's POV

This is great! The even have a door the leads to back home. I wanna stay in star temple town with Shatter. I lead Shatter to the open doors and there was to entrance to my home. I looked at shatter to see him smiling at me... He's smiling!

We reached to entrance and a woman scanned my mark which was a Firefly. The lady then gave Shatter a butterfly mark. It didn't hurt one bit. They both glowed as we walked throw the gates that lead to the city.

I made it home to the huge castle and walked in my parents were dead, so my sister took over and boy was she worried out of here marbles. "SISTER WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! AND- who is this?" She asked letting me go and looking a Shatter. "This is Shatter." I said happily as my hair glowed catching my sister's attention. "... You're her boyfriend! Oh this is marvelous!" My sister yelled.

After some hours of explaining what happened and why I was moving with Shatter, my sister agreed letting me go, but she had went down to star temple and made a scene about me being a princess and she even chose our house. Shatter didn't mind all that much.

I kissed Shatter's cheek grabbing my suitcases. This is the best, I'm happy to spend the rest of my life with him.

Bonus 🌟

Shatter went down to that town they had first went to. "She wouldn't mind if I distoried these peoples houses getting back all those captured stars." Shattered said before destroying the town setting free all the stars that apparently turned into what there marks were and flew away. The red bearded guy threw any axe at Shatter as he caught it with his tentacles. "Oh yeah, I always wanted to murder you when we first met, but since I can't kill anyone anymore I'll give you to Y/n sister. I'm sure she'll have to right punishment for you." Shatter said with a grinned dragging the guy.

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