Glasses on, Glasses off: Naj Dust x adopted quiet reader

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I mentally groaned in announce as PJ blocked my way. "If you don't move, I'm telling my brothers." I said quietly.
My brothers was Unfresh and fresh and they don't like when people pick on me. "Aww, and what are they gonna do? Beat me black and blue?" PJ asked. 'Oh, if I could roast his boney butt.' I thought looking up at him.

"Y/n where are you sis?" I heard fresh say. PJ grabbed both my shoulders and smiled. He was so faking that smile. I saw Fresh and Unfresh turn the corner and spotted me with PJ. "PJ were you trying to flirt with Y/n?" Unfresh asked grabbing me. "Dude, we told ya not to." Fresh said. I blew a raspberry at PJ as he rolled his pupils.

Timeskip =_=

I was walking to the library when I heard grunting and laughing. I tried not to, but curiosity got the better of me and I followed the noise. I peeked around the corner to see a skeleton with a hoodie over his skull wearing glasses. He was getting picked on my the football team. "Ha you're nothing." The blonde chuckled. His was about to punch to poor skeleton till I jumped in. "Please stop." I said a little louder. "Oh and what are you gonna do about it?" The blonde asked. "W-well, I have pictures of my brother beating you guys up. The newspaper club will love this." I said with a small smirk taking out my phone. "W-wait, you're Unfresh's sister?!" The blonde asked in shock as the football team stepped back. "Well I can call him right now if you-" "N-NO, WE'RE OUTTA HERE!" One of them yelled as they all bolted.

I turned to the skeleton who sighed in relief. "Hey um, are you okay?" I asked looking up at him. 'Oh my gosh he's so cute!' I thought blushing. "Y-yeah, I'll be o-okay." He replied. "Well I'm Y/n." I said with a smile. "I'm D-Dust."

Dust's POV

I blushed at how cute and small she was. "You have a unique name. It's kinda cool." Y/n said quietly. 'Aaawww' I thought with a smile.

"Huh? Y/N GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I heard someone yell pulling Y/n away from me. 'Too good to be true.' I thought once more backing up. "U-ufresh, what are you doing?!" She asked in surprise. "I don't want you anywhere near him." Unfresh said glaring at me. "So, he's my friend." Y/n protested. "Does it look like I care?" Unfresh asked rhetorically dragging Y/n away. "Meet me at the tree Dust!" She squeaked out. "YOU BETTER NOT!" Unfresh yelled back at me.

Y/n's POV

After my edgy bro dragged me away from Dust, he sat me down in the library. "What is your problem?" I asked quietly. "You shouldn't be anywhere near Dust." Unfresh said. "And why not?" I asked. "Cause he's a killer." Unfresh replied. "But he looks so nice, shy, and cute~." I said getting a little carried away. "... Yep you're going nowhere near him. You sound like-... You're in love with him aren't you?" He asked in sudden realization. "U-um-" "Yeah you do. I'm getting Fresh, stay here." Unfresh said before jogging away. 'Like heck I'm staying right here.' I thought getting up and making sure he left. I then headed towards the cherry blossom tree outside.

Unfresh's POV

'I think my sis has gone crazy, I guess it was me and my brother's fault for not telling her about Dust.

"Hey, bro our sis needs a mind changer." I said adjusting my glasses. "About what?" He asked. "About Dust, she crushing on him without knowing he's capable of Hurting her." I explained. I only act like this around my siblings no one else. "Well let's go, Y/n can be stubborn ya know." Fresh said.

As we got to the library, I noticed that Y/n left the f***ing spot I told her to stay in. "Where the f*** did she go?" I asked getting annoyed. She doesn't really disobey her big brothers unless she's that stubborn.

Y/n's POV

I was at the tree talking and laughing with Dust. He plays the piano while I sing and play the guitar. I bet we would be cool playing together. It's only been a day and I'm already in love with him.

"Hah, figured we find you both here." I voice said. It was the football team again. 'Can't they just disappear somewhere?!' I thought getting up, the blonde pushed me on to the ground. "I'm getting my revenge after what Unfresh did to us." The blonde growled kicking my stomach. I yelped in pain holding my stomach. That's gonna leave a bruise. "Y/n are y-you okay?" Dust asked in a panic. I tried to answer, but a groan came out instead of an 'I'm okay'. "Mind your own business nerd." The blonde said before kicking Dust in the face knocking his glasses off. "DUST!" I yelled in shock and concern.

"Did you just f***ing hit me?"

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