Back off: Fresh x reader x unfresh

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(y/n)'s POV

I heard that a new neighbors coming into town. My bestie, Fresh was out skate boarding, so I guess I can go out and say hi. I walked out of the house and on to my porch. It looks like Fresh was already talking to him now. The guy saw me and I waved. ( Not like PJ did.) He then started talking back to Fresh again. Fresh quickly looked at me then the boy and started yelling about bushes. Huh? What about bushes?! I giggled and walked back into my house. Maybe I'll talk to the guy later. Right now, I'll just make him a welcome basket.

Unfresh's POV

Wow that Fresh guy really is overprotective with his neighbor. As I sat on the couch, the door bell ranged. I opened it to see that girl from earlier. "Hello, my name is (y/n) your new neighbor uh I came to give you this, a welcome basket." She cheered give a basket full of chocolate and fruits. "Thanks sweet cheeks, the names Unfresh." I flirted as she turned red. "U-uuuh, thank you I guess." She said "Yo (y/n), wanna hang?!" I heard my other neighbor, Fresh, shout. (Y/n) walked off of my porch after telling, "see ya Unfresh!" And began walking over to Fresh's house. D*** she's hot. (*Sigh* (y/n) why are you wearing shorts?)

Fresh's POV

I'll teach him to look at my girl! (Dude chill she ain't yours yet.) Anyways (y/n) and I walked over to my house and watched a few movies and she went back to her house. That Unfresh guy better back off cause I don't like to share.

Temskip >-<

(Y/n)'s POV

Fresh is acting weird. Whenever I'm talking to Unfresh he pulls me away. Well he can't avoid Unfresh no more! I invited them both to a surprise sleepover.

Fresh's POV

I walked up to (y/n)'s door spotting Unfresh knocking on her door. "What are you doing here?" I asked "Having a sleepover with (y/n). You?" He asked "No I'm having a sleepover with her, go home." I demanded "That's not very nice Freshy." I heard (y/n) say. She had her arms crossed as she looked at me very unimpressed. I sweated beads. "Uh, hehe." I laughed nervously. "Alright guess let's get this surprise sleepover ready." She said walking in. Unfresh and I glared at each other before walking in. "Since I'm classic with games, I have nothing but board games and maybe a few video games, You know that Fresh." (Y/n) explained.

Timeskip cause I can Ò^Ó

"What movie do you wanna watch guys? We have three choices, (what ever the heck you wanna watch.)" (Y/n) said "(what ever the heck they wanna watch." Unfresh and I said in synced. "Okay." She said before putting the movie in.

No one's POV

After the movie, they had to put on theur pajamas. Fresh left to put his on. "You know you are confusing. I love that." Unfresh said. "What?" (Y/n) asked before she was pinned to the floor. Unfresh glasses said 'CUTE'. Fresh soon came out seeing the both of you in that position. His glasses read. 'H*** NO' as he stomped over  pushing Unfresh away as he summoned a sharp. "The heck do you think you're doing?" Fresh asked more like shouted. (Y/n) grabbed both of his shoulders. "WOAH IT'S NOT WHAT I LOOKED LIKE!" she shouted with panic and worry filling her voice. She thought they would get along perfectly, Guess not. (Y/n) successfully got Fresh off of Unfresh. "You need to blow off some steam. I'll go get us some water- DON'T kill each other." (Y/n) said before leaving them. 'I guess getting them together was a bad Idea.' (y/n) thought with disappointment.

Back in the living room, the two were just staring- er glaring at each other. "If you keep that up, you might as well forget about getting (y/n)" Unfresh grumbled "Oh yeah, well (y/n) hates pervert and you kinda acting like one." Fresh growled before (y/n) walked in with the water.

Timeskip 0-0

Everyone was in their sleeping bags as (y/n) tossed and turned in her sleep. Tears formed in her eyes as she quietly whimpered. (Y/n) sprung with a gasps as she ran to her room. Fresh and Unfresh kinda woke up due to her footsteps loudly thumping in the hall. "What the heck was that?" Unfresh asked "Maybe it was (y/n). I'll go check." Fresh said getting up and walking to (y/n)'s room. I opened the door seeing her crying quietly. "Hey, it's okay. It was just a Nightmare." Fresh said in a calming voice. (Y/n) took deep breaths before sniffling a few times as she wiped her tears away. Unfresh started listening to the conversation. "M-my parents, I... I kept seeing them die over and over like my dream was in reverse and there was nothing I could do to stop it." (Y/n) explained as tears formed again. Fresh hugged her rubbing her soft hair as he comforted her. "It's okay it was nothing, but a nghtmare and that's all it will ever be Fresh reassured as (y/n) slowly fell asleep in his arms.

Why so many timeskips?! Ō_Ō

It's been a few months and Fresh was slowly getting along with Unfresh. Till one day they started arguing about (y/n) and who she would choose.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was looking at TV enjoying Mettaton  and her dancing till two boneheads came crashing through my door yelling "WHO ARE YOU GONNA CHOOSE?!" I was so confused. "Uh, I'm not catching your drift guys." I simply said just sitting there. They dragged me outside. "Are you gonna choose me to be your boyfriend?" Fresh asked "Or me?" Unfresh said. I blushed like crazy I love them both and it so hard to choose. Is it bad to choose both. "I live you both deal with it." I said spotting a random person and running over to them. "I'll give you five bucks to get me out of here."

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