I won't lose you: Dust x weak reader

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"Sans let me help!"

"No! They'll kill you in a instant!"

"It doesn't have to be this way! Just let me out of these chains and I can reason with them!"

"... You're just like Papyrus."

Sans who is now simply known as Dust, locked me in a basement like a yandere and is now going after Chara. Dust didn't kill cause I was weak. I can't fight and if I was stabbed in the stomach I would die instantly like last time. Some monster are weak like me, so why not kill me!

I huffed and sat in a corner. As soon as that Chara resets, I'll run before Dust gets me. I waited for an hour till I was back in waterfalls. They died again I hide right behind a tree. I do different tactiks after every reset. Dust would either expect me to run or hid. I hope I'm not doing this in patterns.

I wait for a good few minutes till I heard a rip. I peaked a little to see a good black skeleton with a blue outline and tentacles. Sans would've came by now. Did he decided to give on chaining me up and just kill the kid? The goopy skeleton walked towards the direction of the judgement hall. Dust is there. I sneakly followed. Careful not to let mr. Goopy see me.

Dust seemed hesitate to talk to the guy at first. I couldn't hear crap, so I just sat there and stared at them. I probably shouldn't of did that cause Dust looked Mr. Goopy's shoulder looking directly at me. I wanted to curse myself for messing up.

Suddenly, tentacles wrapped around my mouth and pinned my arms to my side. I was dragged out of my hiding spot. Mr. Goopy's tentacles was preventing me from screaming at the top of my lungs. "You want her?" Mr. Goopy said in a husky like voice. "Yeah, there's no point in killing her." Dust said rolling his eyes. Wow am I that weak to him?

Timeskip to month. 0v0

I stared straight at Dust who was looking at me through the bars. "Eat it." He demanded..... Yeah I'm being a stubborn baby. I rarely eat and if Dust get mad of tired he'll come in and stuff the food in my mouth. The first time I ate this food, it was drugged with sleeping medicine. "Don't make me come in there and stuff it down your throat." Dust warned. I mentally groaned as I picked up the fork and ate. I hate his guts....... But I love him. He probably doesn't love me back. I mean he came to this castle and locked me up once more. I rarely get out of this place.

As soon as I finished, there was noise outside. Dust got up and walked out. I sighed. I don't like when he watches me. It's not like I'm going anywhere- "Are you (y/n) (l/n)?"........ I spoke too soon. I nodded. Looks like the star sanses are here. The one named Ink opened the cell and got me out.

Dust's POV

Those star b***es are too darn nosey. How did they know about (y/n) in the first place? As me and the other fought, I noticed that Ink was gone. "That Inky b***." I growled teleporting. Ink was making a portal. I threw a knife at his skull, but he dodged making the portal close. "Let her go you rainbow b***."  I growled "Why would I do that?" Ink asked hiding (y/n) behind him. I made my gaster blasters surround the ready to fire. "Or I'll blast you both into an Oblivion." I said. I glanced at (y/n) she looked so heartbroken. I'm not gonna kill her. I was just bluffing, but I guess it seems too real.

(Y/n)'s POV

So he would just kill me. I can't let him kill Ink though. Other au's need him. I got out of behind him. Ink gave me a concerned look. "I got this just go." I said with a sad smile.

Temskip -_-



"Can I-"


"I just wanted to-"

"Don't wanna here it."

It's been a day since Dust put me in his room. I guess he's been trying to apologise or something. Like I would forgive him. He sat down on his bed and groaned. I felt kinda bad and at the same time wanted to laugh at him. "(Y/n) I didn't mean to-" " To what, Threaten to kill Ink and I?" I interrupted. "It... It was the only way to get you back." Dust said. A faint blush spread across my face. That actually made my heart flutter, but... "Why can't you just kill me, I'm weak aren't I-" suddenly Dust pinned me to the wall. (You were in the corner with your legs crossed.) I looked up to see purple tears. He was crying. "I'm sorry... I just didn't want to lose you. I can't lose you. Seeing you die over and over.... I had no choice. I I just..." Dust broke. He couldn't stop crying and he wouldn't let me go. I couldn't help but hug back. I was shivering as tears of my own came. "I-I thought you would kill, I thought you would never love me." I cried. Dust grabbed my face to make me look at him. "I would never kill you, I love you. I will never let anyone take you away from me." Dust said before kissing me. I soon melted into the kiss. "I love you too."

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