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In this one, I'm gonna explain how soulmates work with skeletons from what I've read in my opinion. (^-^) When A skeleton meets and human obviously, there's a spark and it seems like one one is there, but them. (Blah blah blah...) It only takes a few days for the two to bond. Sometimes if you can't find your soulmate, a red string appears on your pinky.

Hanahaki is a different thing. It only happens with one sided love. For example, if someone finds their crush being... *Ahem* intimate *Ahem* with someone else, they throw up flowers and flowers slowly cover them and the only way to cure it is.... Surgery (?) And they either remember their lover, forget them, or they die during surgery. I guess this is apart of soulmates in my opinion.

Uuuuuh... Oh yeah the dominate soulmate always know we're the other soulmate is, no prob.

And then there's the wholesome thing like uuuuh, bakudekutodo x reader/sans x reader x fell/All sans's x reader things. (Sorry if you guys don't like bnha.) The bonds are complicated, you see soul bonding with more than one person means..... Um.... The more dominate person knows where everyone is(?)

I can't think of anything else, so bye guys see ya!

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