The devil: sly pallette x reader

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(y/n)' POV

Today, my BFF/ crush, Pallette asked if I could come over to his house for a sleepover and I said yes.

"I don't understand. I drink a lot of milk. I should be growing." I huffed looking up at Goth. Yeah me and him a best buds. Goth petted my head like he would a dog messing up my hair. "No matter how many bottles of milk you chug down, you'll always be short." He teased making me angry. He's an inch taller then Pallette and I was trying to surpass them both. I'll show them not to call me shorty again. I could even kiss Pally when I'm not on my tippy toes. We not a thing now, but maybe someday I could confess to him.... When I'm taller. (I couldn't help, but make you short in here. I'm so sorry!) "Whatever. I'll make up for my height one day." I said with a determined look.

I looked at my phone to see that it was 6:30. Time to head over to Pallette's. I grabbed my things. "Sorry, gotta go Goth. Bye!" I shouted running to my house to get my pajamas.

Pallette's POV

I can't wait to put my plan into action. My plan was to put in a scary she hates. I'll comfort her making her blush like a rose and when we finally are able to sleep, I'll kiss her and tell her that I love her. This plan can't possibly go wrong.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. My parents were gone doing business, so I opened it. It was no other than the little angel herself. "Hello Pally, I got my PJ's ready for the sleepover. I just got to put them on." (Y/n) said giving me a hug before going into the bathroom. (Your wearing a your favorite color pajamas.) I sighed lovingly closing the door. This plan is definitely gonna work.

Temskip π°π

"AAAAAAAAH, PALLY!" (Y/n) squealed hugging me as she buried her face in my chest. (HOW?!) I pet her head in a comforting way. "It's okay." I said.

(Y/n)'s POV

THE DEVIL! I'm blushing like crazy and he's enjoying every moment of my misery!

No one's POV

After the movie it was time to sleep. "...Ah! I forgot my sleeping bag." (Y/n) said in a panic. "Don't worry, we can share." Pallette explained. 'That wasn't apart of the plan, but it's better.' He thought as they got in the sleeping bag. "Goodnight (n/n)." Pallette said before closing his eyesockets pretending to sleep. (Y/n) shivered looking around seeing shadows. "G-good night." She stuttered. After awhile, she got closer to Pallette who was still pretending and being patient about the whole thing. "Pally, are you... Still awake?" (Y/n) whispered. Pallette mentally smirked as he opened one of his eyesockets. "Yeah." He replied. (Y/n) blushed. "Can I hug you?" She asked. Pallette smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. "Of course." He said making (y/n)'s blush light up the room like a nightlight as she slowly hugged him. Pallette's face got closer to her till lips touched(?) Her eyes widen till she melted into the kiss. They broke the kiss. "I love you so much." Pallette confessed. They closed their eye/eyesockets. "Me too." (Y/n) sighed.

Bonus ^∆^

Dream and Ink came home the next morning seeing them kissing on the couch. Ink closed the door loud enough for them to hear. Pallette and (y/n) looked at them in surprise as Dream and Ink smirked. "So you guys together?" Dream asked. Pallette and (y/n) nodded as Ink rest his hand in the couch's arm. "When do I get grandchildren?" Ink asked "MOM!" Pallette shouted covering (y/n)'s ear. It was three seconds before Pallette evilly smirked. "Like I would tell you."

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