I am a star: shattered dream x star reader

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(the image is the clothes you're wearing.)

It's been a few months since I ate the apple and Nightmare turned back to normal. He teamed up with the star sanses to beat me. It's kinda funny though. I use to be apart of the star sanses.

Anyways I was hiding in this au where monsters we're already on the surface. I was sitting on a hill looking up at the stars. I sighed, being lonely really wasn't my thing and I didn't feel like destroying an au at the moment. Just then, there was a shooting star. 'It wouldn't hurt to make one silly wish.' I thought. 'I wish I wasn't so alone.' I said mentally.

And as if my stupid came true, and meteorite came crashing down in to the forest. "I wanted a person not a space rock." I said to nobody in particular. I then decided to just go on and take a look.

Y/n's POV

Ooow, where am I? I looked around to see that I wasn't in my room, but in a crater surrounded by trees. I must be in a forest.

Suddenly a tentacles wrapped around my waist. "Did you just fall from the sky?" A voice asked. It looked like a black goopy octopus. "Uh, yeah. Can ya help me out?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." The black octopus said as his tentacles sharpened. "WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN KILL ME!" I shouted. "And why shouldn't I kill you?" He asked. "I you return a star to the sky, you're rewarded with a wish." I explained. The Octopus thought for a second. "... Why the heck not, I ain't got nothing else to do anyways." He thought with a shrug. I sighed in relief. "So how do I get you back up there?" Octopus asked. I started to sweat beads. "W-well this is my first time being here, so I really don't know." I said hoping he wouldn't just kill me now. The Octopus groaned rolling what I assumed to be a pupil. "Let's just ask the people in the town." He said walking towards the town with me in one of his tentacles. "By the way, I'm Y/n l/n." I introduced. "Shattered Dream." Shattered replied.

Timeskip 🌠

As we got into the town, I noticed a few people kinda like me, (by the way they dress) but had rope attached to their waists. 'I don't feel very good.' I thought walking closer to shattered, but he kinda glared at me. "Hey uh, sir do you know how I can get back up to the sky?" I asked a man with a red beard. He then laughed at me. "There ain't no way ya getting up there in this town. Hey newbie, ya better tie up your star or you'll lose it." The guy said. I gasped, offended and shocked. "I'll have you know that we stars aren't "it's" or deserved to be tied up like wild animals. Now let them go!" I yelled in anger pointing at my fellow people. The red beared man scoffed before throwing Shatter a book and rope which made me even more angry. "Star's sure are annoying when coming out of the sky." The man mumbled walking away with the tied up stars. Shatter was flipping through some pages before closing the small handbook. He then threw the rope and walked away stealing a near by map. "Hey where are we going?" I asked running to catch up. "To a few more towns." He answered.

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