That one soul 2: flowerfell sans x reader

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Every since me and the monsters made it out of the underground, I couldn't help, but think my sister. She was gone. She was the only person that cared about me here. My and dad were total jerks to us which is the reason why we jumped. Now Frisk is gone. I've been hearing her voice echo In my head ever since.

I walked up to where the barrier once was and into the cave. I stopped at the spot of where my sister died. I laid there looking to my side visioning where my sister would be. Happily smiling and laughing. I smiled as well. The batch of buttercups made me feel safe yet scared in a way. "Your always with me, right sis..." I said closing my eyes. I heard a faint 'always' before I went to sleep.

Flowerfell sans's POV

Where the heck did she- "Hey sans, down over here." I heard flowey interrupt my thoughts. "What?" I asked "Take me out of this pot." He said "Why, if (y/n) comes back, she's gonna panic seeing you gone." I said "But I know where she is, now let me out." Flowey said. I groaned letting the flower out of his pot. Flowey disappeared Into the ground.... Wait he knows where (y/n) is all the time! I groaned knowing I let my info get away. Papyrus then came in with a mad expression. After meeting the kid, he kinda got used to her and they get along quite well. "Sans where's the human?" Paps asked "Not sure why?" I asked "Monster kid want to talk to her. I'll tell the human when she gets back." Paps said going into the kitchen.Where is (y/n)?

(Y/n)'s POV


Who's that?

"(Y/n) get up."

That sounds like Flowey. I opened my eyes seeing flowey in my face with an annoyed look. "What's up?" I asked. "Let's go home, you can't spend the night here." Flowey said crossing his peltal as if he had arms. I slowly got up patting my clothes.

"Okay, but can I at least get some ice cream before going back home?" I asked. Flowey groaned facin the ground. "Yeah, but hurry up. Sans will probably go looking for you."he explained as I nodded. I walked to the Ice cream shop an got some ice cream. Flowey wasn't allowed to get any more after last time. As I walked across the street, there was a loud *SCREEEE* noise that mad my head hurt. I looked to see a car coming at me in full speed. I didn't have time cause everything went black as I heard Flowey called my name.




"Is she gonna be okay?"

"Yes she'll be fine lots of rest should do the trick."


I slowly opened my eyes to see that I wasn't in a hospital, but my room. There was a doctor walking out of the room as Sans back was facing me. I lightly groaned trying to get up, but I couldn't move. Sans turned around with a panicked look. "Hey kiddo, try not to get up. Your body is paralyzed for a few minutes due to the accident." He said. "Tha... Thanks." I said with a raspy voice. My throat ached and I needed water or at least some milk. "No problem kid, but you should really be thanking Flowey. He popped up out of nowhere and told me you were hurt." Sans explained placing a hand on my head. I slowly nodded as he lifted my head up so I could drink, closing my eyes. "So uh, where do you go when you leave this house- and don't say your relaxing place." Sans said scolding me a bit. "My uh... My-" "Stop trying to lie, you're bad at that." Sans said giving my a soft flick on the head. I sighed in defeat looking at him. "The place where Frisk died." I answered without making direct eye contact as Sans sighed. "I always felt like she was there." I mumbled. Sans brought out my soul putting some of his magic inside. "What did you just do?" I asked "I made a promise and I'm sure as heck ain't gonna break it." Sans said before hugging as I started to feel my body relaxed. I wasn't stiff anymore. I hugged Sans, he was the only family I have. 'This is fine, right sis?' I thought hearing a faint yes. Maybe my sister is still with me.

Or maybe I've gone crazy? Nah, impossible.

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