It's not fair!: Naj Killer x reader x Naj outer

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"Mr. Ink, look what I made for you." I said holding up a dream catcher and a drawing of him and Error getting married. All of my teachers liked me which made me a nerd. Ink invited me to his wedding and it was adorable and seeing Error in a wedding dress while blushing was even cuter. I had to take a picture and draw it! Mr. Ink blushed at the drawing. "Awww, you shouldn't have." Ink said getting the drawing. At least my drawing was awesome. I finally mastered the art of anime! Suddenly the door busted opened revealing the good ball himself, Outer. "Hello Outer do you need (y/n) for something?" Mr. Ink asked "Yep, go on a date with me (y/n)." Outer said looking at me with this cute look on her face. I blushed at his cuteness before. Killer came with a shocked and betrayed look as Outer gripped my waist as he stuck his tongue out. Killer puffed his cheeks out in anger stomping away. Okay what the heck just happened?

Killer's POV

After me and Outer break up, we started developing feelings for (y/n) after two months. She was our best friend and crush. I wanted to kill Outer for asking (y/n) out. I sat down by the tree (y/n) would always come to. I reacted my hands on my knees and cried. It was no fair. Outer was a dirty cheater!

Outer's POV

Hah! I asked before killer did. After school, we went to her house, she had a lot of pets. Two cats, black and white, a blue bunny, and a brown dog. I stared in shock as (y/n) giggled. I picked up her bunny who seemed to be asleep. "Blurry likes to sleep sometimes when I'm gone and before you ask, no these all aren't my pets. My mom is babysitting. I'll be down in a minute." (Y/n) said before leaving me.

Time skip to end of date I'm lazy...

As Outer walked me home, he seemed to be thinking about something. "A penny for your thoughts?" I asked "I was... Just... Dang it." He said before grabbing my face and pulling me into a kiss. He soon let me go and before I knew it, we we're already at my house. "See ya." Outer said leaving me a blushing mess.

(Y/n)'s POV

Timeskip to the next day...

It was Saturday, so it my time to relax and- "SENPAI IT'S ME KILLER." speak of the devil! I got up and opened the door to see Killer at the door. He walked in picking Blurry up. "Hey (y/n) what ya up to?" Killer asked "Oh nothing. Wanna watch some movies and have a sleepover with me?" I asked as he nodded.

After a couple of movies, Killer started to fidget at the romance parts like when bella kiss Edward. "Um, Killer, are you okay?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder. "I can't take it anymore." Killer said before pinning me below him. Killer then kissed me as he caressed my face. It felt like I needed air as I clenched his shoulders for him to stop. Killer soon let go btiting my neck "A-AAAH!" I said shutting my eyes. Okay whatever that feeling was... I probably wasn't suppose to feel. Killer let go of me before pulling me into a hug. "I couldn't help it. Outer told me he kissed you and it wasn't far. He's always the first before me... He's so... Mean." Killer said through his yawns. "At least I have your first hickey." He said soon after falling asleep leaving me a blushing mess.

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