You're ours: Jock PJ x nerd reader x nerd Fresh

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I was waiting at the library for a certain cute nerd, Fresh. He's the kindest person I know.

"Hey Y/n what's up?" A familiar voice asked. It was the one and PJ. Fresh told me PJ hurt him which is why I'm so disgusted in him. Why would he do such a thing to a nice person!? "Please go away PJ." I muttered. "Why should I?" He asked. Before I could answer, PJ blockaded me on to the wall putting his hands above my head, so I wouldn't escape. "Why can't I just stay here with you?" He said with a smirk. I little blush tinted my cheeks as I looked away from him. "Please leave me be." I muttered again as PJ's hand went up to my cheek. I was trying so hard not to whack him, yell at him, and walk away like nothing happened. Has anyone ever told him that asualt is wrong?

"PJ, leave Y-y/n alone." I heard a voice say, it was Fresh. "Oh and what are you gonna do about it?" PJ asked grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. I'm pretty sure I can put a cherry to shame with my blush right now. 

"Hey PJ stopped messing with those two and help me with this one." Undyne said holding up Angie who was picking up her books and grumbling cuss words under her breath. "WHAT THE H***?! LET THE F*** GO OF MY SISTER!" I heard Moon yelled with anger. PJ rolled his eyes with a sigh as he let me go. "Heh, whatever Moon." He said before walking away with Undyne.

Time skip

After I finished my lunch, I hid in a place PJ would never find me! IN THE BACK OF THE LIBRARY!... It sounded good at the time, but now I don't really know. Anyways, Mrs. Melon let me hid out back here. It has a couch, a restroom and a coffee table. It was little a teachers lounge for kids! I was chillaxin while reading a book. He will never find me he- What the. I thought feeling pressure adding to the couch. PJ WHAT THE LITERAL HECK IS HE DOING AT THE BACK!? "Ummm, hey?" I said scooting away from him.


I mentally sighed in disappointment. She hates cause of that d*** nerd, Fresh. I have to play it cool though. "So wanna hang at that ice cream place down the street after school?" I asked. Y/n thought for a moment before nodding. "Only because I forgot to pack my (fav sweets) today." She said.

Fresh's POV

THAT DOG, THAT DIRTY DIRTY DOG! (I couldn't help it!) He thinks he can get away with hurting me and trying to take Y/n's-(you know what-) away? Well he has another thing coming! I walked up them a sat beside Y/n as she looked at me"H-hey Y/n, what's up." Curse my stuttering! "PJ's inviting to get ice cream after school." She replied. "Can I come?" I asked playing innocent as I pretend not to notice PJ glaring at me. "Of course silly." Y/n cheered quietly. I'm not letting PJ steal her away from me and throw her out like trash!

Time skip

Y/n's POV

After school, we finally went to that ice place. It pretty quiet till waiter came over to talk. "Hey there, what should I call you other than beautiful." (I smell a reference) I blush at his attempt to flirt. I swear I could've heard that flirty question from somewhere. "I'm Y/n, you?" I asked "Scott." He said with a wink. I giggled a bit for we both engaged into a conversation talking about our favorite animes. "No way you saw the final episode of (f/a) too?" I asked in disbelief. "Yep, I could bring you over to my house sometime and show ya." Scott said with a small smirk.

No one's POV

OH NO HE DOESN'T!  The two skeleboys thought. "Hey, Scott right? Why do you just go f*** off somewhere, thank you." PJ said. Scott scoffed. "Ha kiss my-" "woah woah woah! What's going on here?!" A man asked. "This guy is flirting with our girlfriend." Fresh said holding Y/n by the waist. "Scott again?!" "But sir I was just-" "THAT'S IT! YOU'RE FIRED!" The man said as Scott walked out of the ice cream place and the trio walked out and didn't have to pay for their ice cre- "Wait, g-girlfriend?!" Y/n asked with a surprised looked. PJ and Fresh looked at each  other and a nodded. They kissed Y/n on the cheek.

    "Yeah, you're ours."

My only one(undertale au x fem reader) oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now