That string 2: fell ink x shy reader

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Fell ink's POV

I didn't really mind my... Soulmate being in my house. What I thought was unusual is that she sat on the floor and not the couch. At first I thought she was uncomfortable, but what she said made me  suspicious of her past. I clearly wasn't gonna get the truth from her... I had to ask someone who knows.

I sighed, changing the boring channel. I glanced at Y/n who opened her book, 'Finding your soulmate.' I leaned over wanting to get a look.

Y/n's POV

I felt fell ink look over to see my book. I didn't really mind that much. We both read the book till I looked outside. I gasped in shock, it's night time already. "I'm sorry I have to go now I said getting up and rushing to the door. There was a slight ache in my soul as it came out again and went over to Fell ink. I stopped looking at it wanting it to come back. Fell ink got up gently holding my soul. He placed it back in my chest, his face was dark red. "...Let me walk you home." He said avoiding my eyes. I wasn't so sure about that, but my soul might come out again, so I nodded.

Time skip ×∆×

We both stopped at my front porch. I shivered at the sight of it knowing what's gonna happen when I enter. "You can go now-" "Why do you want me gone so fast?" Fell ink asked surprising me. At first he was rude and wanting to get rid of me, now he wants to stay with me? "My mom doesn't like visitors." I lied. Looked in the driveway seeing the orange car. "I know you're lying." Fell ink said. I mentally groaned. Might as well get it over with! I Knocked on the door and it opened... Showing my sister. "Oh hey Y/n, brought a friend?" Misa asked, I gulped and nodded. Misa leaned on the door frame as I walked in and looked at Fell ink and Misa. "So, what should I call you other than handsome?" She asked. Fell ink rolled his pupils and narrowed his eye sockets. "Your worst nightmare." He replied. I frowned looking back at Misa who still smiled. "Goodnight." She said and shut the door. She stomped over to me and slapped me. I teared up a bit. "Who was that, why's he so hot, and why does he not like me?!" She yelled. "... His name is Fell ink." I said, I didn't dare say he was my soulmate. She looked at me then the book I was holding. Misa snatched it away and looked at it. "Aww that's sweet, but he's not your soulmate." She stated throwing my book on the floor near the couch we're my drunk mother chugged down alcohol. "He can't be, your both so different." Misa said. She then pushed me onto the floor and grabbed one of mom's empty bottles. "He's gonna be mines rather you like it or not!" She yelled beating me with the bottle till it shattered. I screamed in pain holding onto my knee. Misa then kicked me. "Oh shut up b*** you know you deserve this." She growled. Misa pulled me up by my hair and stabbed me with the broken bottle. I screamed again and Misa slammed me against the wall before dragging me to the basement. I cried wanting her to let me go.she finally dropped me and stomped upstairs and closed the door. I couldn't help, but to so even more.

Fell ink's POV

I was almost home as I felt like I had to go back. My soul (That I gave him) came out of my chest going back to Y/n's. I caught up to it, but we were already at the house. I heard a scream from the house and stomps. My soul ached as I felt like Y/n was in trouble.

I teleported behind a tree as I suppose Y/n's sister stomped out of the house and into the orange car. She drove away as I teleported inside the house. A drunk lady was sleeping on the couch. I growled wanting to slap that woman silly. I ignored her, and followed the loud sobbing. It came from the locked basement. I kicked it down and walking down the stairs. It was dark, but I spotted Y/n in the corner. She was all bloody and bruised. I teleported over to her as she cried more. "Shhhh, it's okay I'm here." I told her. I then teleported to the hospital.

I'm gonna kill that b** of a sister!

Time skip U~U

Y/n's POV

I hissed in pain opening my eyes to see that I was in a hospital bed. I looked around seeing fell ink asleep beside me, I smiled. Fell ink opened his eye sockets seeing me. He caressed my hair. "I should've stayed with you." He grumbled. " It's okay, you're here now." I said. "I should of never try to deny it." Fell ink said before kissing. Shortly after, I kissed back. "You're my soulmate no matter what." He said.

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