different methods: dreamswap Dream x reader

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I couldn't help it, I freed Nightmare and now I'm locked up like a animal because of it. Some of many sanses are here and locked up because of Dream and his crew. They let me wonder around cause they thought I wasn't a real threat. I summoned my gold spear to free some of them. I guess Dream just caught me in the act of freeing Nightmare. Dream looked like he couldn't bring himself to hurt of kill me, so he just locked me up like the others.

I shivered as the door opened revealing Dream. I bent down and looked at me. "Why did you have to go and free prisoners? We let you wonder and this is how you repay us?" He asked........ I hate that I love him. My hair covered my face as I looked at the ground. Everybody here does it anyways. "They didn't deserve to be locked up like animals. They did nothing wrong." I said with anger filling my voice. "How about you tell me where my brother and his friends are and I just might let you go." Dream said with a smirk. I know where they live, I'm just not telling him. I use to live there too with them till I was just walking around an au and Dream saw me. "You're gonna have to kill me for that info." I spoke. He then rest his hands on my cheeks getting me confused. "Oh come on, if I kill you, I won't get the information I want." Dream said. "679 2899 73534 8792 26343 5636 143." I said in numbers ("you will never know where they" are is what she said.) Dream seemed to understand what I said cause he got close to my face before saying "I will find them and you can't Stop me." Then left the room. I sighed in relief. He's never gonna find them. I was tough a few thing by this other Ink, so making an au that's hard to find is super easy. I smirked knowing that I was the only one who knew what au we were in.

Dreamswap Dream's POV

(Y/n) is so stubborn! It been an hour and I can't get info out of her. She's the only one who knows where my brother and the others live. O can't bring myself to force the information out of her. We've been friends before I ate an apple. I had a huge crush on her. I guess that's the reason why I can't harm her. I guess I'll have to use a different method.

My only one(undertale au x fem reader) oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now