I get emotional: Pale x emotional abused reader x template

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(That's a song ÒwÓ)

"Stop crying freak!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Ugh! I wish you weren't my sister."

Cocoa said before slamming the door to my room and going to her room. I couldn't help myself. Mochi, my dog went missing a week ago and I couldn't find her. I couldn't help that I was super emotional and Mochi is the only one that can help. She's like family to me. Mom's always busy, dad got a divorce with mom, and my big sister, Cocoa, goes to parties and comes home drunk and starts yelling at me for no reason. Even her yelling makes me cry. If she ever came home mad and drunk, she would kick me till I was knocked out.

Anyways, I got up and walked outside to clear my head and to look for Mochi. I sniffled looking into alleyways. I soon heard whimpering. I ran towards the sound to find Mochi all dirty and whimpering in a corner. I gasped running over to her. I tried hugging her! HINT HINT, TRIED! She really did stink. Mochi barked happily. I cried tears of joy walking us back to the house, but she stopped my and started pushing back into the alley. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. Soon after I said that, the color from cars, buildings, people, and even the sky started disappearing leaving a white space. I looked in pure horror running back into the alley. I hugged Mochi close as she growled. I shut my eyes waiting for whatever was gonna happen to us......... But nothing came. I opened my eyes to see nothing but white nothingness, a void. The only thing it had was Mochi and I. I was kinda confused. Why are you the only things alive? That's weird, you should be dead." A monotonous voice spoke. I turned around to see a skeleton. He seemed so emotionless. Mochi growled as the dirt and stink somehow disappeared from her fur. "That's doesn't matter your gonna die anyways." The skeleton said walking over to me. He's gonna kill us! I always wanted to die a hero, but I guess that wasn't gonna happen. I started to tear up again and Mochi barked and growled at the skele-guy. (To be honest I don't know how he sucks up the au's colors and stuff, so I'll just use my imagination.) The skeleton kicked Mochi away as I stared in shocked. "Mochi!" I yelled trying to get up, but the guy kicked me, so I landed on my back. He placed his foot (how?!) Against my stomach, so I wouldn't escape. I cried my eyes out as I struggled to get free. The emotionless skeleton touch my head and waited for a few seconds till everything blurry and black. I think I fainted.

La dramatic timeskip!

No one's POV

Pale stared at the girl and her dog. It seemed that she was way too emotional and when he tried sucking up her emotions, she only went to sleep and her emotions were gone for about 5 seconds before crawling back. Pale sighed. (Y/n) was an interesting person and the only thing that she cares about is Mochi who is still alive because of her. Seeing the girl cry so much in fear and sadness, hit something inside Pale. He absolutely hated it. He only had one vial that can make him feel emotions forever and that was a liquid soul he could drink. A mysterious girl (aka, Me!) Gave it too him. Her hoodie was up so he could only see her lips that was seemed to be curved into a smile. "Hey, if you ever wanna feel and not want it to be temporary..." The girl paused before throwing Pale a vial filled with the liquid soul. "Drink that. You can either have it or not, it's your choice." She said "who are you?" Pale asked "For you, just call me hoodie girl." The girl said before taking out her phone, typing a few words and she was gone. Pale stuffed the vial into his pocket. He didn't know why he did that. He never knew it would actually come in handy.

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up on the floor tied up next to Mochi. The place I was in seemed like the same void I was in, but black. "I see you're awake." The unfamiliar yet familiar voice said. I lifted my head up from the ground and saw that skeleton again. To honest, I just wanna be somewhere great with Mochi. I guess this was a good place to start. "Who are you?" I asked "....Pale." the skeleton known as Pale answered. "What are you gonna do with us?" I asked once more "Don't know. I'll let template deal with you." Pale said opening a portal to who knows where and jumping in it.

It felt like forever till another skeleton came through a portal.... More like fell. He had a giant pen (ó-ò don't blame me.) He brushed his clothes off before making eye contact with me. Mochi whimpered still laying down on her side. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" The black skeleton asked rushing over to me. I shook my head as he untied Mochi and I. "Okay uh.... I'm template." 'Template' announced with a smile. "Well I'm (y/n) and that's Mochi." I said pointing down at Mochi who was happily wagging her tail. Template bent down and gave Mochi a small smile. "Hello there, Mochi." He cheered as Mochi gave out a happy bark. Template adjust his glasses as he got up. "Now what to do next."

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