I am a star 2: Shattered dream x star reader

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It's been two days and Shatter as already stolen money. Money is very different here, it's like a regular money, but in a shape of a star. 

Right now we we're in a place called winter town in a hotel and boy does it live up to their name. Luckily I had my purse with me so I could wear something warm.

"You're sleeping on the floor." Shattered stated catching me by surprise. "What? Why?" I asked in disappointment. "Cause I don't like to share." He replied. "You can't... do that." I said sniffling. "You'll bring this whole town bad luck if you cry." Shattered said staring at me with no emotion what so ever. "Fine I'll sleep on the floor." I said sniffling.

The next day 🌠

Shattered Dream's POV

I sat up from the bed looking at the empty covers on the floor. 'Where the f*** did she go?' I thought putting on my clothes and walking out of the hotel room. I saw Y/n talking to some drunk guys that had negative thoughts. I felt anger rise within me, but I didn't know why. "What's a star suppose to do anyways?" One of the men asked. "What stars do best, they shine." Y/n answered. The other guy was reaching for her butt, but I stopped him with my tentacles. "Time to go Y/n." I said before walking up to the counter. "Do you know where to go to put a star back into the sky?" I asked the woman. "Of course just go to the hidden town in the snowy forest right here." She explained pointing to a place on a map she had hanged up. I nodded walking out the door as Y/n followed.

Timeskip 🌠

Y/n' POV

I can't believe this... I fell in love with shatter. The guy that was gonna kill me on the first day we met. I must be looney or something.

I was currently sitting near a fire as Shatter broken down trees for more fire wood. "What are you thinking about?" Shatter asked. I sighed, he would never love me the same. "Oh, I was just thinking about what would happen after you had sent me back into the sky and had your wish." I said not fully lying to him. "Never actually thought about that." Shatter said. "Maybe before I go I could ask you to free all those stars in that town." I said "Why would I do that, they're not my business." Shattered said. "But they're my people!" I shouted. "LIKE THE F*** I CARE!-" "WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!-" "WHATEVER B***!" Shattered yelled cutting each other off. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE NICE!" I shouted as the fire went out and I could hear glass near by shatter. I then stomped away.

No one's POV

Ink opened a portal to the anti-void revealing Normal Nightmare and Blueberry. "I found shattered Dream in Startale and it looks like a took a girl with him." Ink said. "Good, let's go." Nightmare said.

Shattered Dream's POV

I love her, I knew that and I just screwed up being selfish. I followed Y/n's footsteps hearing singing near by. I read that Stars love to sing. Their hair also glows yellow when they're super happy.

I saw a few fireflies past me as the singing got louder. I hide seeing Y/n as she sung. Her hair was starting to glow as fireflies surrounded her. She looked, s o beautiful that way.

After she was done singing, she sighed looking at all the fireflies that gathered around her. I came out of hiding, sitting beside her. "I'm... I'm sorry for what I said. I was being selfish, forgive me." I stated. "... I forgive you." Y/n said giving me a smile making me blush a bit. "Good, I'mma go get some fire wood for our new fire." Shatter said before leaving. After awhile, I started singing again. The fireflies that gave me light, never left.


What was that? I looked around to see a skeleton kinda similar to Shatter, but he wasn't covered in goo. He wore purple clothing. I walked over to him to see some kinda of portal. "Come with me before my brother comes back." He said. "Wait Sha-" before I could finish, a tentacle rushed past me almost hitting the skeleton, but he dodged. He grabbed me dragging me into the portal. "Y/n!" Shattered yelled before the portal closed.

Shattered Dream's POV

I punched a tree beside me in anger. 'Those b***es took Y/n away! They'll pay for that.' I thought making a portal of my own.

Y/n's POV

I sat on s couch looking up at three skeletons. "Did he hurt you?" The one known as ink said asked. "Of course not, we're friends." I said even though it made my heart drop. "Uh, you're from Startale and there when people make wishes of not wanting to be lonely people like you appear and help them." Ink explained. "So Dream must of wished that he wasn't lonely." The other skeleton known as  Blue said. "Uh, yeah and we'll have fun getting me up there... Maybe one day I'll confess to him~." I said as I could feel my hair glow in happiness.

"Maybe if we use her, then Dream will come and get her and we can come and convenience him not to distroy any more AU's." Nightmare explained.

'Wait, they're gonna use me to get to Shatter?!' I thought. Maybe they're villains trying to capture Shatter. I looked around for an exit. Wait this is a house of course there's an exit. I walked over to the door and opened it. "Where are you going?" Ink asked. "Can'tstaygottago,bye!" I yelled slamming the door and sprinted into what I think are woods.

"Alright now to get back to Shatter... What if Shatter's not even looking for me? That Would... That would mean he doesn't love me." I said to myself getting sad. I then tried to calm down by singing.

Shattered Dream's POV

I finally reached the AU they we're in and busted down their door. "Dream!" Nightmare shouted. "Yeah, now where is Y/n?" I asked. "She went out into the woods." He answered. "And you guys call yourselves heros." Scoffed. "Hold o-" before I could hear my brother finished I teleported into the woods. I walked around to see where she was. I then spotted a Firefly floating away, so I followed the it.

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