I hate apocalypses Sugarberry x reader

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I was in the living room on the couch with Ink. Me and him are bff's and when he found me in a anti void, he walked up to me and just offered me to stay with him. Now here I am, chilling and eating candy.

The front door then burst open revealing an odd, but cute looking skeleton. "Hello friends!" He shouted. Ink teleported in front of me. "Stay back." Ink said ready to fight. "Aw, Ink, you're hurting my feelings." The other skeleton whined. "Who are you?" I asked "Why my name is Sugarberry." The skeleton replied before summoning a giant fudging lollipop. It was green and had a single red swirl. Sugarberry launch himself at Ink as they fought. I got my scissors that Ink made for me and jumped through the portal to get Dreams help. Before the portal closed, Ink threw his paintbrush. I caught it and ran for the hills. LITERALLY. The place was called peacetale. It had flowers everywhere and one tree Dream sat by. It was easy to get to him. "DREAM!" I yelled. Dream got up and looked at me. "What's wrong (n/n)?" He asked with worry. "This guy named Sugarberry came out of nowhere and started attacking Ink." I explained. "That darn virus." Dream mumbled. He grabbed me by the hand. "Come on let's go somewhere safe, so you can whip up an antidote." He said. "Wait, why an antidote?" I asked "Well, Sugarberry is a virus. We know that a virus is incurable, but with Ink's paintbrush we can actually make a cure for people who's been affected by Sugarberry." Dream explained as I nodded. Understanding why we need an antidote. How can someone so cute be so dangerous?!

Sugarberry's POV

Aww shucks! That girl ran away from me. She was so pretty... I want- no I need her. I watch as the now new Ink named Skittle giggled with a smile. "So Skittle, where's did that human go?" I asked "Oh (y/n), she's in peacetale." Skittle replied with a smile. What a beautiful name. Maybe if she behaves, I won't infect her.

(Y/n)'s POV

"How long does it take you to draw an antidote?" Dream asked "I'm not Ink. All he does is imagine it and it pops up out of nowhere, but me, I'm human. I have to draw it out." I replied finally finishing. I held it up carefully. "First we capture the virus, Then We find all of the au's that he's infected. Is that a good plan?" I asked "That sounds like a good enough plan for me." Dream said with a thumbs up.

"Wow what a pretty place." We heard a voice said. 'How did he get here?!' I thought as my eyes widen in surprise. I hugged the antidote and the paintbrush close backing away. I watched as Sugarberry attacked Dream. Someone then snatched the paintbrush away from me! "H-HEY!" I shouted turning around to see a weird loo-... Wait that's Ink! He then pinned me to the tree. "Hey (y/n), did you miss me?" Ink asked "If I say yes, will you let me go." I asked glancing at the antidote that was lying on the grou- ROLLING DOWN THE FREAKING HILL! WOW COULD THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE!

                     Big mistake

Dream fell onto the ground Sugarberry pinned him. He then pinched Dream as a poof of blue smoke appeared and Dream changed. I internally screamed for my life as the now infected Dream got up and smiled. "How about you go and invite more people to the party." Sugarberry said. Dream made a portal and jumped through it.

I panicked as Sugarberry teleported in front of me. Ink let me go as I calapsed on my knees. "Aww, your too cute for your own good." He coed squishing my cheek. "Turn them back." I demanded "Well I can't do that. Viruses are incurable you know." Sugarberry giggled. Oh if only he knew I made an antidote. "Well let me go. I can't stop you now that infected Ink and he has his paintbrush." I said trying to talk him out of letting me go, so I could get the antidote. "So you can run and get this? I don't think so." Sugarberry said holding the antidote. HOW?! "Now come on, I have plans for us." He said after smashing the antidote and grabbing me. Ink then made a portal to a white anti void. "Skittle, may you make a house for us?" Sugarberry asked. Ink nodded before holding his paintbrush up and BOOM! a perfectly nice house. "You will never get away with this!" I shouted as he somehow manage to open the door. "Oh... But I already have." Sugarberry said. He then tied me to the bed post. "And the best part about this is... You're all mine!" He cheered hugging my waist. An idea popped into my head. "Uh, how's about you stop infecting people and I'll think about being yours." I explained nervously. "But... You're already mines, but if it makes you happy, I'll stop infecting people." Sugarberry giggled. I guess I can live with him. He is cute and adorable.

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