Meant to be?: reboot x innocent reader

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(I wanted to slap myself for this.)

Reboot's POV

'AAAAAAAAHHHH, JUST CALM DOWN REBOOT! CALM DOWN.' I thought trying to keep a cool face. (Y/n) was in tace, but the worse part about was that she was that she was laying on me. Her oh so squishy cheeks were red indicating that she was mad. "I told you not to go to sleep. It's only four PM and It's scorching hot outside." She pouted. Too innocent! I just wanted to her by the waist and hair as I kissed her- "Here I got you a popsicle." (Y/n) said giving me a popsicle. Oh heavens please have mercy on my soul! I mentally pleaded she didn't have a blue popsicle, but hey luck wasn't on my side and she had a blue popsicle.

(Y/n)'s POV

I will have Re Re like me! I the magnificent (ppft haha!) (Y/n) will love him for the rest of his and my life. "Re Re your popsicles melting!" I said as his popsicles melted in his hands slowly. He quickly sick it up as I began eating my popsicle. I really don't know what to do to make Re Re love, so I'll ask Erasey how!

Reboot's POV

Oh that nickname she gave me is so embarrassing! "Oh and you said you were gonna teach my how to fight today in your dojo." (Yes you live with him and he has a fudging dojo.) (Y/n) said. "Uh, yeah. Come on." I said getting up. (Y/n) got up as well sucking on the popsicle stick. "Okay, then after that, I have to visit Erasey." She said cheerfully. I felt a little disappointed. I guess she'll only like me as  a friend huh?

Timeskip to reference

(Y/n) stood there with a fake plastic weapon as I got ready. She then ran towards me only to fall face first into the floor. (I saw that comic in pinterest.) I had nosebleed due to how cute that was. "Let me start again!" (Y/n) shouted wobbly getting up. Her forehead had a big red mark. "Hey, you okay?" I asked "Y-yeah." She stuttered "Maybe we should stop and give you an ice pack for your head." I said walking over to her. "No! You said today you would teach me. I've waited for two years for you to finally say yes!" (Y/n) shouted. I picked her up and hoisted her over my shoulders. "No! I will not tolerate this!" She shouted as she tried wiggling out of my grasp. HINT HINT, TRIED. I sat her on the couch  and got and ice pack from the fridge. I placed it on her head as she pouted.

An hour later she left to Eraser's house. I wanted to cry. I needed her. She makes me feel warm and tinglingly all over........ But I'm just a friend to her!

No one's POV

"Get the heck out of my house Michelle!" (that's a girl in my other book.) Eraser yelled pushing Michelle out of his house. "Hey Michelle." (Y/n) said "Whatever... Bye Eraser~." Michelle coed before walking away. Eraser shivered at her voice. "Hey Eraser, I need your help." (Y/n) said "it's about Reboot isn't it?" He asked as (y/n) nodded fastly.

They both sat in Eraser's living room. "Did you try seducing him?" Eraser asked (I made him so nice in this "I tried, but it's so hard when I barely know how to do that." (Y/n) pouted. "Maybe you're trying too hard." Eraser said "Yeah I accidentally gave poor Re Re a nosebleed." She mumbled before Eraser laughed. "That means he finds you too adorable." He explained. "I'm too adorable? Maybe I need to look ugly!" (Y/n) shouted standing up. Eraser coughed at her statement. "No, just keep doing what you're doing and he'll hold you in his arms as kisses you." Eraser said encouraging (y/n)'s fantasies as she held her face. "Yeah. That would be lovely~." (Y/n) coed lovingly. Eraser rolled his eyes as a had a small smile on his face. Sometimes you can so annoying and other times you can be like a sister to him.

But little did they know, Michelle heard the whole thing.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was going straight back to my house. I needed Re Re for my master plan. We'll go to the movies and watch My Chemical Romance. It's really romantic. Then I'll tell him I love him after the movie, I'll confess. I unlock the door to my house only to see Michelle kissing Re Re. I closed the door catching the two's attention. "(Y-y/n)..." Re Re said looking at me with wide eyesockets. Michelle mouthed he's mine. As I walked upstairs to grab my jacket. I... I guess it just wasn't meant to be huh? "(Y/n), it isn't what it-" "Save it Reboot." I said coldly wishing I can take back those harsh words. Warm liquid fell down my cheeks as I ran out the house.

Reboot's POV

Stupid Michelle! She came over here to just talk and get a fresh start with (y/n). As soon as that door opened, Michelle kissed me! Never has (y/n) been so cold to me or anyone for that fact. "Aww, she left." Michelle said with a fake sad face. I turned to her. "Get. Out." I growled with anger before she quickly left. I calapsed on the floor and cried. I ruined it! That one chance. Why did I even let that brat into the house?! (Y/n) will never love me now!

It's been a month since (y/n) left to stay with Eraser. I came everyday at the room that was now hers that she locked, to just apologize. She wouldn't say anything, but the simple words go away. It broke my heart to hear how painful she sounded.

"She has came out and she barely eat. (Y/n) has left me with no other choice." Eraser said popping his neck (how?!) Before kicking (y/n)'s door down. She just laid there in bed. Hearing her soft breathing let me know she was still breathing and no flowers that represented hanahaki anywhere. (Hope I said that right and if you don't know what that is, it has something to do with one sided love.) "I'll leave you two alone to solve this problem." Eraser said before leaving. I sat on the bed. "Look, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. Michelle just wants to make you unhappy. Please except my apology. If you don't then I'll leav-" "Wait don't leave me! I accept your apology." (Y/n) said cutting me off as she hugged my back. "F***!" I heard Eraser yell from downstairs. We walked down to Michelle. "Leave you crazy b***!" Eraser shouted somehow getting a cross out of nowhere. "Just go Michelle unless you want to apologise to Re Re." (Y/n) said weakly cautiously making her way towards Michelle. Michelle pushed (Y/n) yelling, "No, I want him!" (Y/n) must of been too weak cause she fainted hitting the hard floor. "You son of a b***." I growled grabbing a freaking knife. (Out of thin air.) I tried charging at Michelle, but Eraser grabbed me. "I don't want blood all over my clean floor." He said as I made angry noises at Michelle who was now leaving.

(Y/n)'s POV

I sat on the couch watching this game show called Don't as the girl got hit by a freaking wheel. I laughed pointing at the TV. Suddenly two boney hands snaked around my waist. "I love you." Re Re sighed "Me too." I said kissing his cheek. "Also, what's a f***?" I asked as he sweated staring at the TV. "A very bad word."

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