How did this happen: yandy Blue x reader

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(He's the possessive needy type. He can be dominated at times, but then he's adorable and manipulative.)

(Y/n)'s POV

'No no no! How did this happen?!' I thought hiding behind a large tree as my friend call my name lovingly.

Flashback 0^0

I was sitting on the couch by paps as Blue was in his room reading some books he got from the libraby. I was eating on Pocky's when paps suddenly took one out of my mouth and kissed me. I pushed back "P-paps!" I said quietly so I wouldn't disturb Blue. Pap's then put my Pocky in his mouth and winked at me before teleporting. Ew, his breathe smell like cigarettes!

Blue's POV (still in flashback)

How dear he touch my angels lips! I know he's my brother and all, but (y/n) is MINE! There's probably more out there like him. I need to get rid of them before they start thinking and liking my angel.

(So he went on a killing spree. I hate describing blood and guts and how he kills his brother then goes back to the house and clean up and- to much? Okay.)

(Y/n)'s POV

I was walking to the store to get some groceries until I noticed how super quiet it was. More quiet then normal. I look around to see... Dust and clothes. I panic and look almost everywhere. No matter where I go, there was always dust and clothes. I ran back to the house hoping Blue is still in his room. I burst the door open to see him happily reading with a smile grin on his face. "B-Blue." I said "Yes, (y/n)?" He asked in his oh so lovable voice. "Everyone's gone." I said stepping forward till I stepped on something. It was a bloody knife. "Oopsie, you weren't suppose to see that." Blue said cheerfully. I stepped back a bit. (You guys are the same height what a shame.) "What's wrong angel? Are you not happy?" Blue asked. 'He wouldn't. He couldn't he's too adorable!' I thought. "Y-you didn't. Did you?" I asked in slight fear. He pinned me to the wall. "Oh looks can be deceiving." Blue said with a smile. I wriggling out of his grasp and ran out the house.

Flashback end

I held my breathe as I heard footsteps. "You can't run forever my angel." Blue said thankfully passing my hiding spot. I froze as I felt two boney gloved hands hug my waist. "See, I knew I would find you." He said before pinning my hands to the tree. My back facing him as he bit my neck. I teared up as he licked the blood away. "Don't cry, it's okay." Blue said. Why does my lover have to be a killer?!

(My stuff spelled liver instead of lover... What should the next part be?)

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