My lover they hate: Fresh x pj's sister reader

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(sorry it's just Fresh is one of my babies. 0^0 and reader is adopted.)

(Y/n) POV

I was walking to the store with my big brother PJ cause we needed groceries. "Jammy I want chocolate." I whined "It's in the other aisle." PJ said. I skipped over to the other aisle finding the chocolate I wanted. "Hey, I can give you something other than chocolate." Someone said from behind me. I turned around to see a blue red bunny. He got closer to me face. "A kiss." The bunny flirted. "No thank you." I said trying to leave, but he blocked my way. "Uh, sir can you please move?" I asked using my cute charms. That only made it worse. "Not until you give me some sugar." The man coed. "Dude, back off. If the lady says no then she says no." Another voice said from behind me. The bunny groaned walking away. "Fine." He said before turning the corner. "Thanks mister." I said "no need for formalities. I'm Fresh." He said patting my head.

Fresh's POV

'So cute.' I thought with a blush. "Well my names (Y/n)." She said only making her cuter. "(Y/n), come on its time to go." A person said "Okay Jammy, Bye Mr. Fresh." (Y/n) said before leaving. I think... I'm in love. I looked down to see her what I assume bracket with her name on it. I examined it to see her address. 'Just another excuse to see her.' I thought.

(Y/n)'s POV

As I left Mr. Fresh, Jammy put the food on the counter. "So who was that?" He asked "Mr. Fresh, he's my savior." I thought dreamingly. I mean can you blame me. He was so cool and nice. I think I love him. "Wow, have a crush already?" Jammy questioned as we walked out of the store. "Yeah, he's so awesome." I squealed as Jammy smiled.


When I got home, I drew Mr. Fresh and me. I couldn't help it. I had to get it out of my system some how. "What are you drawing (y/n)?" I heard mom ask. "My savior." I replied. "Oh, so you have a crush already?" He asked once more. "Yeah and he's so dreamy." I thought finishing my drawing. By now mom was gone doing whatever he was doing. I put the drawing on my desk and left my room for lunch.

"So who did you exactly meet at the store today?" Mom asked sipping on some juice. "His name is Mr. Fresh and if I see him again it would be shear luck." I said said as a blush grew across my face. Mom spit out her drink. "What was his name again?" Mom asked again. "Mr.... Fresh?" I said, but it sounded like a question. Mom regained her composure putting down the cup. "Well it's a good thing you'll never see him again." She said "huh, you don't know that." I whined puffing my cheeks out.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I heard jammy say. He opened the door to see... MR. FRESH! "Uh sup, does (y/n) live here he asked.

Fresh POV

As soon as I asked that question, (y/n) was at the door with and adorable look on her face as her eyes sparkled. 'Aww' I thought "I'm here Mr. Fresh." She said. "Hey you left this at the store." I said showing her the bracelet. She took it as our hands brushed.

No one's POV

"Thank you." (Y/n) said. Suddenly her mom came out of nowhere and kicked Fresh, but (y/n) was too busy daydreaming to notice.

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