Overprotective much 2: Lust x reader

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Y/n's POV

After Lust was good enough to stand, I wait for night fall to show him. "Alright Lust, you're gonna like this." I stated as he cover his eye sockets. I lead him to my favorite place, Starlight Cafe. "Stop, okay now uncover your... Eye sockets." I said. He as told and saw the cafe in front of him. "And the best part is that they love monsters." I explained with a goofy grin. Lust smiled and hugged me. "This is a great surprise, thanks sweety." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Aww, let's go inside. It looks cool in there." I said dragging him inside.

Like always, the cafe had painted stars on the ceiling and almost everything was star themed. We sat at the table as, Tom, the waiter I know, came by. "Sup Y/n and hey newcomer, what can I get for you to night?" Tom asked. " I would like (f/d) please." I said. I looked over at Lust to see him slightly glaring at Tom. "I would like a strawberry shortcake please." He said, almost growling with. "Okay coming right up." Tom said before leaving.

After awhile, he came back with our orders and carefully put them down on the round table." You two have a nice date." Tom smiled walking away. I took piece of (f/d) and ate before looking at lust. He ate small and slight lightened up at it. "This is really good." He said with a smile. "Yep, it's my favorite place to go to when I have a sweettooth." I said taking another bite of my dessert. Lust and I talked and laughed and after finishing our cake we left.

"See wasn't that great Lust?" I asked hugging his arm. He looked down and smiled at me. "Yeah it was." Lust exclaimed.

Walking, a man past by. It wasn't really a big deal till he slapped my butt. I squeaked in surprise and stopped. "You got a nice a***!" The guy yelled.(T-T I know, I know I wrote that...) Suddenly, the guys soul came out purple and he floated over to Lust. "Do anything like that to my girlfriend and I will end you." He growled letting the guy fall to the ground. The man started to run away.

For the rest of the night, Lust growled at anyone who passed us, he growled before closing the door to the house. "Lust it's okay, that won't happen again." I tried to reassure him. He groaned looking at me. He eyes practically told me 'That's a lie and you know it.' I sighed going to our room and putting some Pajamas on. I plopped on the bed with a deep sigh. I hear rustling on the other side of me and I turned to seeing Lust magically in his bed clothes. He hugged me and I hugged back. We both sighed as I closed my eyes. "Overprotective much?" I asked. Lust lightly laughed. "I guess, I love you Y/n." He said. "I love you too Lust."

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