Marriage really: Freshy x reader

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'AAAAAAAAHHHH SO CUTE!' I mentally gushed dreamily looking up at Freshy who was looking at the TV. We've been friends for a long time and I couldn't help, But fall in love with him. He's so kind, cheerful, and generous. If he was a girl, I would go gay for him- (I actually wrote thatÓ-Ò) 

Freshy laughed as I looked away from his face. "Hey Y/n What do you think about Tessy and Jack?" He asked. "I think they added Jack to make it a Challenge for Tessy." I explained. I've already seen this episode, but I will never tell Freshy that. "Exactly at least you understand better than the chat on underweb." Freshy said as I smiled at him. Oh I just wish he would love me!

Time skip to the next day =_=

Freshy's POV

I stared at Y/n's sleeping body. She's so cute like that, but... She's leaving in a month and I didn't even tell her I love her. What should I do?! I slowly got up grabbed my phone and went downstairs. "Hey Freshy what you doing up so late?" Jam asked. "I need help." I stated. "State your problem." He said. "Well you know that Y/n's leaving in a month right? Well I haven't even told her that I love her and if I tell her she'll leave anyway. What do I do?" I asked. I heard a hummed from the other side of the phone. "You need a promise marriage." Jam said as my eyesockets widen. "M-marriage!?" I whispered/shouted. "I said promise marriage. You guys have to promise to get married when you're older that's how it works. Just put a fake ring on her finger till then." Jam explained my pupils sparkled in excitement. I  gonna promise purpose to her!

Y/n's POV

Freshy had something planned today, but I didn't know what. He then passed me over to Moon saying that it was a surprise or something before telling Moon to dress me up.

"You guys would be great together." Mom said with a sigh. "If only I had the guts to tell him that I love him! And I have to leave in a month. I'm not so sure how a long term relationship would work." I groaned. "Yeah cause you're the snuggly lovey dovey type." Moon said texting on her phone. "... Do you think the surprise is a love confession?" I asked Moon "Maybe, we'll never know till Freshy come back." Moon explained and as if on cue, there was a knock at the door.

I opened it to see Freshy in a suit. I blushed at the sight. "Come on, follow me." He said grabbing my hands and gently pulling me until we reached the park. Freshy then closed my eyes and guided me. He uncovered my eyes as I saw a place a blanket laid out with sweets on it and music played. (I smell a reference. Guess what this came off of.) "Oh my gosh, Freshy you did this for me?" I asked trying not to jump on him in happiness. "Yeah and theirs something I want to ask you." Freshy said before getting down on one knee. I my eyes widen in shock. "Fr-Freshy..." I managed to squeak out. He grabbed my hand as he opened a small box that contained a plastic ring that was on my birthday cake last year. "Will you promise to marry me in the future?" Freshy asked. "Ye-yes!" I said. This goves us plenty of time to date and think and plan. Freshy placed the fake ring on my finger and hugged me as I hugged back. We then kissed as we heard cheering in the background. We broke the kiss to see that the people in the park that was suppose to be minding their own business was cheering and clapping. I covered my face in embarrassment as Freshy looked like a bluberry. "Uuh, let's just enjoy our picnic." He said.

A few years later of course...

I looked up at Freshy as Mr. Jam gave him the ring (a real one) and I was given mine. We both put it on each other fingers as they sparkled brightly in the light. "I pronounce you husband and wife... You may now kiss the bride." The man said. I wrapped my arms around Freshy's neck as he caressed my face and we both kissed each other. The crowd cheered and clapped. I threw my bouquet of flowers in the air and Moon caught it, blowing raspberries in the other girls faces. I laughed as Freshy picked me up and we both got in a car that said just married.

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