Wishing on a Star: Eraser x cildish reader

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"Racey, look!"


Racey made his way to the living room just in time to see a shooting star. "Let's make a wish at the same time." I said shutting my eyes making my wish. My tale wagging in happiness. (It's not an actual tale, you're wearing a puppy hoodie.) 'I wish Racey would love me.' I thought. Yeah I have a small- er huge crush on my bestie, Racey. He's always teaching how to draw and get better. My dream was to be an artist! I opened my eyes and turned to Racey. "Hey I got an idea let's have a sleepover." I said clapping my hands together. "Okay, who are you gonna invite?" Racey asked "Boots, Mr. Jam, Freshy, Caster, and of course, Moon." (Moon is random girl I made up.) I said with a smile. "I'll call them over right away!" I said with excitement getting out my phone.

Two. Hours, latal...

We were all on the floor playing Sorry. "Dang it Reboot!" Freshy huffed out as Boots chuckled. "I win, sorry!" Caster cheered. "Two times in a row Caster! Why?!" I asked loudly "I have magic fingers." Caster replied with a goofy grin wiggling his fingers.  "How about we play truth or dare?" Mr. Jam asked. I gasped dramatically. "*Gasp* the most lethal game in a sleepover?! Okay!" I said pumping my fists in the air. Everyone got into a circle. I wanted to ask Racey my most wanted question of all!

No one's POV

"Reboot, truth or dare?" Freshy asked "Dare, I'm no chicken." Reboot said "Okay, I dare you to.... Sing Island in the sun by Wheezer." Freshy said. After hearing Reboot sing, they all giggled and laughed "Not funny." Reboot grumbled folding his arms. "Caster, truth or dare?" Reboot asked "Truth." Caster said "I it true you have a crush on Moon?" Reboot asked wiggling his non-existent eyebrows. Caster blushed. "Yeah..." He said looking away. Everyone awed as Caster growled. "Moon, truth or dare?" Caster asked "Dare." Moon said with confidence. "I dare you to prank call the neighbors." Caster said. Yeah, the neighbors were pure jerks. Moon got the house phone and dial the number. "Hello Mr. And Mrs. Francis, you won two thousand dollars!" Moon said with enthusiasm. Everyone in the room heard cheering on the phone as they covered their mouths. "Just come on outside and claim your prize!" Moon shouted. The two adults ran outside to find nother. Everyone in the room bursted into laughter. The room died down. "Eraser, truth or dare?" Moon asked Eraser. "Dare." Eraser said. "I dare you to kiss Reboot." Moon said not knowing that (y/n) had a crush on Eraser. (Y/n) mentally gasped, her eyes hiding the shock she had. Eraser sweated bullets. He screwed up big time. Reboot wasn't that fine with it. He didn't want to break (y/n)'s heart. He knew she had a crush on Eraser. Moon just wanted her ship to sail. Well one of them. Eraser gulped giving Reboot a kiss, cringing mentally. (Y/n)'s puppy ears on her hoodie lowered as she frowned. There was an awkward silence. "You know what, let's just go to sleep." Eraser said getting out his sleeping bag. Everyone agreed getting out their sleeping bags and getting in them.

(Y/n)'s POV

The next day...

'It was just a kiss and only a kiss. It doesn't matter.' I thought walking around my room. I finally calapsed on my bed looking at the ceiling. I was now convenience that it was a dumb little kiss. That wouldn't ruin my wish. Wishes are always true..... Right? I walked downstairs to get a glass of water. Moon was talking to Reboot babbling on about whatever I guess. I poured myself a glass and walked into the living room. Only to see Reboot and Eraser kissing. I clenched on to the glass and trembled tearing up. I guess they like each other now. I sniffled catching Moon, boots, and racey's attention. "O-oh (y/n), I didn't-" "I'm gonna spend the night at Caster's you two love birds have fun." I said with a sad smile wiping my tears. "Wait, (y/n) it's not-" I closed the door cutting boots off. He knew I liked Racey! I walked over to Caster's house. My droopy ears hung from my hoodie.

La timeskip to night time

"Hey look (n/n), a shooting star make an wish." Caster said pointing out. "Stars are stupid. Just a bad luck charm." I grumbled sipping my cocoa. Caster at down beside me. "Oh it'll be okay, there are more fish in the sea that can be your soulmate."Caster said "But he was my catch first. I guess it just wasn't meant to be huh?" I said looking down at him. He was only five inches smaller than me. "Yeah, we'll get through this together." Caster said with a small smile. I sighed, smiling back. I looked at the TV, "What's this?" I asked "Danny phantom." Caster answered. (Haven't seen that in awhile.) I giggled watching the TV.

After awhile, I went back to my house. I was about to open the door when I found it open already. I opened it to see Racey walking in a circle mumbling to himself with a knife in hand. "She hasn't came back in weeks what if she hates me I didn't even confess to her maybe I should just kill myself..." He mumbled. Poor thing looked liked he hasn't slept since I left. "R...acey?" I asked closed the door. Racey dropped the knife and looked at me in shock. "I-I-I-I-It's... Not... I-I-I-" "Woah it's okay, what happened?" I asked holding his shoulders looking into his eyesockets. I hugged me so tight I thought I was gonna burst. "Don't leave me, I love you not Reboot." Racey pleaded. I was shocked. He.... He loves me?! "I-I love you too." I stuttered. Racey then let go of me a kissed me. I kissed back, it felt so amazing. We parted hugging each other and sitting on the couch. I guess wishing on stars was a great thing.

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