Overprotective much: lust x reader

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(WOO! I'M BACK!...So yeah,...😶 lust is the cuddling type and respects you. He also loves to tease you.)

Y/n's POV

I was on the couch, as bored as ever. Lust went out to who knows where, ditching me in the house alone.

I huffed turning the channel... I got an idea!

Lust's POV

I was at a bar- NO I WASN'T SCOUTING FOR GIRLS! I was talking to Grillby's. "No matter where I go with her, I wanna beat up a guy that even glances at her." I explained. "That's why she's a keeper, You fell in deep Lust." Grillby said cleaning a glass with a clothes. "Yeah you're right..." I said chugging down ketchup. I'm gonna get drunk.

Y/n's POV

IT'S 1:30 HE'S BEEN GONE FOR TOO LONG. What if he's dead or even worse... Cheating on me?!

I paced around the living room getting even more tired with each turn I made.

Suddenly the door opens revealing Lust... In a drunk state. Oh thank the stars! "Lust, are you drunk?" I asked walking up to him. "NOoOoO~." He scoffed, His pupils avoided making eye contact. He was definitely lying to me. "I told you to stop drinking." I scolded as he whined. "But I'm not drunk." He said. "Okay, if you're not drunk, then tell me what time it is." I stated. Lust looked up at the clock in the living. "It's says... I'm not. Freaking drunk." He said groggily. I rolled my eyes. "Yeeeeeeah, right. You're sleeping on the couch tonight." I said, I didn't want to smell his ketchup breath while I was trying to sleep. "Nooooo, let me sleep with you." Lust whined like a child. "No."

The next morning...

I woke up early, so I could put my plan into action. I made breakfast with no ketchup. He's not getting that for a while. (U∆U)

As I finished I heard groans from the living room, followed by a thud. I sighed entering the living room to see lust on the floor rubbing his skull. "You okay?" I asked. "I think so." Lust groaned. I got out a glass of water from the fridge and poured it in a purple cup. "Come on, let me help you to the kitchen table." I said trying to pick him up. HE WAS ONLY A SKELETON, BUT HE WEIGHS SO MUCH!

(Part 2 coming soon)

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