No choose me!: Error x reader x Ink

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"Oh come on ruru, wear it." I pleaded holding up a red scarf. Me and Error have been for a some time now and I was trying to get him to wear this scarf I made. He would look absolutely cute in it. "For the last time, no." Error said turning the channel. "Come on Error, it's just a scarf." Ink said coming out of his room. "No." Error stated once again. "Okay I'll just put it here for when you decide to put it on." I said putting the scarf on the couch beside him.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a  Pocky box. I then went outside to contemplate.

Ink's POV

"Dude, you're only making it hard for yourself and easy for me." I said with a smirk. "If she even says yes to you, you would only be toying with her. You have no soul." Error stated. That's was true... Suddenly a portal opened up and our Author-chan came out of it. "It took me years to finally perfect a soul and with my Oc's soul, I can just take hers and another one will reappear. Don't steal that readers!" Author-chan shouted pointing at thin air. She then turned to me with a weird color soul. She then put it inside my chest. "What the fudge... Okay who did that?" Error asked "Oh just Fresh over here. Come on Fresh." Author-chan said grabbing Fresh and jumping through the portal. "...I guess I have a soul now." I said before evilly smirking. "And It's November the 11th." I said holding up Pocky's. "S***, Pocky day." Error mumbled falling off the couch. I ran to the backyard seeing (y/n) talking to Dream and Cross. "Hey (y/n)!" I yelled before I was wrapped up in string.

(Y/n) POV

I looked up to see Ink being held up by string. He seemed very confused and surprised judging by his pupils that changed. "Hey (y/n) come here." Error said. I walked over to him. "Wait (y/n) don't do it!" Ink shouted somehow getting out of Error's strings.... What heck is going on!? I looked at Cross and Dream. "Pick Ink!" Dream said "Pick Error!" Cross shouted. They are no help what's so ever. I then just sat on the ground and eat Pocky's. "Huh?" Ink and Error said in synced. "What? You want some?" I asked. They both sighed and say down beside me. Dream and Cross were arguing about... Something. As I finished a Pocky, Ink kissed me. I blushed like crazy as I was snatched away from him and then Error kissed. I think I'm gonna Faint! "(Y/n) choose me." Error said "No choose me!" Ink pleaded tearing up. Error looked like he was heartbroken. -99999999. I then past out.

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